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There are 20 words containing NALT

COMMONALTIEScommonalties n. Plural of commonalty.
COMMONALTY n. common people; the general populace.
COMMONALTYcommonalty n. The common people; the commonality.
commonalty n. A group of things having similar characteristics. (The addition of quotations indicative of this usage…
commonalty n. A class composed of persons lacking clerical or noble rank; commoners.
INALTERABILITYinalterability n. Synonym of unalterableness.
INALTERABILITY n. the state of being inalterable.
INALTERABLEinalterable adj. That cannot be altered.
INALTERABLE adj. that cannot be altered.
INALTERABLENESSinalterableness n. Synonym of unalterableness.
INALTERABLE n. that cannot be altered.
INALTERABLYinalterably adv. In an inalterable way.
INALTERABLE adv. that cannot be altered.
MESNALTIESmesnalties n. Plural of mesnalty.
MESNALTY n. a type of feudal estate.
MESNALTYmesnalty n. (Law, historical) The position or land of a mesne lord.
MESNALTY n. a type of feudal estate.
NALTREXONEnaltrexone n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic drug, similar to morphine, which blocks opiate receptors in the nervous system…
NALTREXONE n. a narcotic antagonist.
NALTREXONESNALTREXONE n. a narcotic antagonist.
PENALTIESpenalties n. Plural of penalty.
penalties n. (Informal) A penalty shootout.
PENALTY n. punishment imposed for breach of a law, rule or agreement.
PENALTYpenalty n. A legal sentence.
penalty n. A punishment for violating rules of procedure.
penalty n. (Finance) A payment forfeited for an early withdrawal from an account or an investment.
PERSONALTIESpersonalties n. Plural of personalty.
PERSONALTY n. personal belongings and property.
PERSONALTYpersonalty n. (Law) Any property that is movable; that is, not real estate.
personalty n. (Law) The property that goes to the executor or administrator of the deceased, as distinguished from…
personalty n. The state of being a person; personality.
UNALTERABILITYunalterability n. Synonym of unalterableness.
UNALTERABILITY n. the state of being unalterable.
UNALTERABLEunalterable adj. Incapable of changing or being altered.
unalterable adj. Irrevocable or irreversible.
UNALTERABLE adj. that cannot be altered.
UNALTERABLENESSunalterableness n. The quality or state of not being alterable.
UNALTERABLENESS n. the state of being unalterable.
UNALTERABLYunalterably adv. In an unalterable manner; in a manner that makes it impossible to be altered.
UNALTERABLE adv. that cannot be altered.
UNALTEREDunaltered adj. Remaining in its initial state; not changed.
UNALTERED adj. not altered.
UNALTERINGunaltering adj. Not altering; unchanging, constant.
UNALTERING adj. not changing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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