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There are 17 nine-letter words containing NTIV

ADVENTIVEadventive adj. Accidental.
adventive adj. Adventitious.
adventive adj. (Biology) Of a plant that is not native, but was introduced by humans to a place and has since become naturalized.
AGENTIVALAGENTIVAL adj. of the performer of an action.
AGENTIVESagentives n. Plural of agentive.
AGENTIVE n. a grammatical case indicating the agent performing an action.
ANTIVAXERantivaxer n. Alternative form of anti-vaxxer.
anti-vaxer n. Alternative form of anti-vaxxer.
ANTIVAXER n. one opposed to vaccination, also ANTIVAXXER.
ANTIVENINantivenin n. (Medicine) Synonym of antivenom, (now) particularly for snakebites containing venin.
ANTIVENIN n. an antitoxin countering esp. snake venom, also ANTIVENENE, ANTIVENOM.
ANTIVENOMantivenom n. (Medicine) A medicine that counteracts venom, an antidote to biological poisons from venomous animals…
ANTIVENOM n. an antitoxin countering esp. snake venom, also ANTIVENENE, ANTIVENIN.
ANTIVIRALantiviral adj. (Pharmacology) Inhibiting the growth and reproduction of a virus.
antiviral adj. (Computing) Eliminating or inhibiting the action of a computer virus.
antiviral n. (Pharmacology) An antiviral medication.
ANTIVIRUSantivirus n. (Computing) A piece of software that is used to detect, delete and or neutralize computer-based viruses.
anti-virus n. Alternative spelling of antivirus.
ANTIVIRUS adj. designed to counter viruses.
ASSENTIVEassentive adj. Giving assent; agreeing.
ASSENTIVE adj. giving assent.
ATTENTIVEattentive adj. Paying attention; noticing, watching, listening, or attending closely.
attentive adj. Courteous; mindful.
ATTENTIVE adj. full of attention.
INCENTIVEincentive n. Something that motivates, rouses, or encourages.
incentive n. A bonus or reward, often monetary, to work harder.
incentive adj. Inciting; encouraging or moving; rousing to action; stimulating.
INTENTIVEintentive adj. Paying attention; attentive, heedful.
intentive adj. Intent (Of the mind, thoughts etc.).
intentive adj. (Grammar) Expressing intent.
INVENTIVEinventive adj. Of, or relating to invention; pertaining to the act of devising new mechanisms or processes.
inventive adj. Possessed of a particular capacity for the design of new mechanisms or processes, creative or skilful at inventing.
inventive adj. Purposefully fictive.
PLAINTIVEplaintive adj. Sounding sorrowful, mournful or melancholic.
PLAINTIVE adj. mournful, querulous.
RESENTIVEresentive adj. (Rare) Resentful.
RESENTIVE adj. feeling resentment, also RESENTFUL.
RETENTIVEretentive adj. Having power to retain.
retentive adj. (Slang, apocope) anal-retentive.
retentive n. (Obsolete) That which retains or confines; a restraint.
TANTIVIEStantivies n. Plural of tantivy.
TANTIVY n. a hunting cry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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