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There are 19 nine-letter words containing NTIT

ANTITHEFTantitheft adj. Against or preventing from being stolen.
ANTITHEFT adj. designed to prevent theft.
ANTITHETSantithets n. Plural of antithet.
ANTITHET n. an instance of antithesis.
ANTITOXICantitoxic adj. (Immunology) that counteracts a toxin or poison.
antitoxic adj. Of, or relating to an antitoxin.
ANTITOXIC adj. serving to neutralize poison.
ANTITOXINantitoxin n. (Medicine) A medicine able to neutralize a toxin.
antitoxin n. (Medicine) An antibody capable of neutralizing specific toxins.
ANTITOXIN n. an antidote to a toxin.
ANTITRADEantitrade n. The wind that blows from west to east above the trade wind.
antitrade adj. Opposing trade.
anti-trade adj. Alternative spelling of antitrade.
ANTITRAGIantitragi n. Plural of antitragus.
ANTITRAGUS n. a prominence of the external ear, opposite the tragus.
ANTITRUSTantitrust adj. (Law) Opposed to or against the establishment or existence of trusts (monopolies), usually referring to legislation.
ANTITRUST adj. of legislation etc., directed against the adverse effect of trusts and other monopolies on commerce.
ANTITUMORantitumor adj. (Oncology) Inhibiting the development of a tumor.
antitumor n. Any substance that inhibits tumors.
ANTITUMOR n. a drug designed to prevent tumors.
ANTITYPALantitypal adj. Antitypical.
ANTITYPAL adj. relating to an antitype, an object or person prefigured by the type or symbol, also ANTITYPIC, ANTITYPICAL.
ANTITYPESantitypes n. Plural of antitype.
ANTITYPE n. something which a type or symbol represents, also ANTETYPE.
ANTITYPICantitypic adj. Antitypical.
ANTITYPIC adj. relating to an antitype, something which a type or symbol represents, also ANTITYPAL, ANTITYPICAL.
ARGENTITEargentite n. (Mineralogy) Silver sulfide, (Ag2S), a primary ore of silver, in cubic or hexoctahedral crystals.
ARGENTITE n. a native sulphide of silver, aka silver glance.
CEMENTITEcementite n. (Inorganic chemistry) A form of iron carbide, Fe3C, that is a component of steel.
CEMENTITE n. a compound of iron and carbon found in cast iron.
DENTITIONdentition n. The set of natural teeth of an individual.
dentition n. The type, number and arrangement of the normal teeth of an organism or of the actual teeth of an individual.
dentition n. An arrangement in an organism or object of projections that resemble teeth.
ENTITLINGentitling v. Present participle of entitle.
ENTITLE v. to give a right to, also INTITLE, INTITULE.
INTITLINGintitling v. Present participle of intitle.
INTITLE v. to give a right to, also ENTITLE, INTITULE.
INTITULEDintituled v. Simple past tense and past participle of intitule.
INTITULE v. to give a right to, also ENTITLE, INTITLE.
INTITULESintitules v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of intitule.
INTITULE v. to give a right to, also ENTITLE, INTITLE.
NONENTITYnonentity n. An unimportant or insignificant person.
nonentity n. (Uncountable): the state of not existing; nonexistence.
NONENTITY n. a person or thing of no importance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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