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There are 16 nine-letter words containing NTIP

ANTIPAPALantipapal adj. (Roman Catholicism) characterized by opposition to the pope.
antipapal adj. (Roman Catholicism) of or relating to an antipope.
ANTIPAPAL adj. opposed to the pope or to popery.
ANTIPARTYantiparty adj. (Politics) Opposing a particular political party.
antiparty n. (Politics) A political party that shuns or rejects the mainstream political establishment.
ANTIPARTY adj. opposed to a political party.
ANTIPASTIantipasti n. Plural of antipasto.
ANTIPASTO n. (Italian) an hors d'oeuvre, an appetizer.
ANTIPASTOantipasto n. An Italian starter for a meal; normally a cold assortment of salami, cheese, seafood and vegetables.
ANTIPASTO n. (Italian) an hors d'oeuvre, an appetizer.
ANTIPATHYantipathy n. A feeling of dislike (normally towards someone, less often towards something); repugnance or distaste…
antipathy n. Natural contrariety or incompatibility.
ANTIPATHY n. aversion, dislike.
ANTIPHONSantiphons n. Plural of antiphon.
ANTIPHON n. (Greek) alternate chanting or singing.
ANTIPHONYantiphony n. (Music, singing) alternate, or responsive singing by a choir split into two parts; a piece sung or chanted…
antiphony n. Alternate, or responsive ideas or opinions; juxtaposition.
ANTIPHONY n. antiphonal chanting or singing.
ANTIPODALantipodal adj. On opposite sides of the globe; pertaining to antipodes.
antipodal adj. Diametrically opposite.
antipodal n. (Biology) One of the cells at the chalazal pole of an embryo sac.
ANTIPODESantipodes n. The place on the diametrically opposite side of the earth from a given point.
antipodes n. The Southern Hemisphere.
antipodes n. (UK, now rare) Australia and New Zealand.
ANTIPOLARantipolar adj. Relating to or located at an antipole.
antipolar adj. Diametrically opposed.
ANTIPOLAR adj. relating to an antipole, the opposite pole.
ANTIPOLESantipoles n. Plural of antipole.
ANTIPOLE n. the opposite pole.
ANTIPOPESantipopes n. Plural of antipope.
ANTIPOPE n. a pope who opposes the properly elected pope.
ANTIPRESSantipress adj. Opposing the press (print-based media).
ANTIPRESS adj. opposed to the Press.
ANTIPYICSantipyics n. Plural of antipyic.
ANTIPYIC n. a medicine that prevents pus forming.
CENTIPEDEcentipede n. Any arthropod of class Chilopoda, which have a segmented body with one pair of legs per segment and…
CENTIPEDE n. any myriapod of the class Chilopoda, carnivorous flattened animals with many segments, each bearing one pair of legs.
RANTIPOLErantipole n. An unruly, rude young person.
rantipole n. A rakish person.
rantipole v. To act like a rantipole.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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