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There are 13 nine-letter words containing NTAT

ATTENTATSattentats n. Plural of attentat.
ATTENTAT n. (French) an (esp. unsuccessful) attempt at an (esp. political) crime of violence.
BIDENTATEbidentate adj. (Zoology) Having only two teeth.
bidentate adj. (Botany) Having tooth-like projections that are themselves dentate.
bidentate adj. (Chemistry) Of a ligand, forming two separate chemical bonds to a coordinating metal ion.
DECANTATEdecantate v. (Obsolete) To decant.
DECANTATE v. (obsolete) to chant or say repeatedly.
DEMENTATEdementate v. (Obsolete) To dement, to make crazy.
dementate adj. (Obsolete) Deprived of reason.
DEMENTATE v. (archaic) to deprive of reason.
DENTATELYdentately adv. In a dentate or toothed manner.
DENTATE adv. having teeth, also DENTATED.
DENTATIONdentation n. Formation of teeth; toothed form.
DENTATION n. the condition of being dentate.
EDENTATESedentates n. Plural of edentate.
EDENTATE n. a toothless mammal as an armadillo or sloth.
MENTATIONmentation n. Mental activity or mental state, including cognition or, more specifically, thinking.
MENTATION n. thought, cogitation.
ORIENTATEorientate v. (UK, New Zealand, Australia, intransitive) To face a given direction.
orientate v. (UK, New Zealand, Australia, reflexive) To determine one’s position relative to the surroundings; to…
orientate v. To arrange in order; to dispose or place (a body) so as to show its relation to other bodies, or the…
PENTATHLApentathla n. Plural of pentathlon.
PENTATHLUM n. a pentathlon.
POTENTATEpotentate n. A powerful leader; a monarch; a ruler.
potentate n. A powerful polity or institution.
potentate n. (Derogatory) A self-important person.
TENTATIONtentation n. Obsolete form of temptation.
tentation n. (Obsolete) A mode of adjusting or operating by repeated trials or experiments.
TENTATION n. experiment by trial and error.
TENTATIVEtentative n. A trial; an experiment; an attempt.
tentative adj. Of or pertaining to a trial or trials; essaying; experimental.
tentative adj. Uncertain; subject to future change.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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