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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing NSTI

CANSTICKScansticks n. Plural of canstick.
CANSTICK n. (Shakespeare) a candlestick.
GUNSTICKSgunsticks n. Plural of gunstick.
gun-sticks n. Plural of gun-stick.
GUNSTICK n. a stick to ram down the charge of a musket, etc.
INSTIGATEinstigate v. (Transitive) to incite; to bring about by urging or encouraging.
instigate v. (Transitive) to goad or urge (a person) forward, especially to wicked actions; to provoke.
INSTIGATE v. to initiate, bring about.
INSTILLEDinstilled v. Simple past tense and past participle of instill.
INSTILL v. to infuse slowly, also INSTIL.
INSTILLERinstiller n. One who instills.
INSTILLER n. one who instils.
INSTINCTSinstincts n. Plural of instinct.
INSTINCT n. an inborn impulse, intuition.
INSTITUTEinstitute n. An organization founded to promote a cause.
institute n. An institution of learning; a college, especially for technical subjects.
institute n. The building housing such an institution.
NONSTICKYnonsticky adj. Not sticky.
NONSTICKY adj. not sticky.
PANSTICKSpansticks n. Plural of panstick.
PANSTICK n. foundation makeup like pancake makeup but in stick form.
RAINSTICKrainstick n. A hollow tube partially filled with pebbles or beans, and with small pins or thorns arranged helically…
rain␣stick n. Alternative spelling of rainstick.
RAINSTICK n. a musical instrument consisting of a tube filled with sand or pebbles, which is inverted to produce a sound.
TURNSTILEturnstile n. A rotating mechanical device that controls and counts passage between public areas, especially one that…
turnstile n. A similar device in a footpath to allow people through one at a time while preventing the passage of cattle.
turnstile n. (Mathematics, logic) The ⊢ symbol used to represent logical entailment (deducibility relation), especially…
UNSTIFFENunstiffen v. To remove the stiffness from; to relax; to make pliant.
UNSTIFFEN v. to make not stiff.
UNSTIFLEDunstifled adj. Not stifled.
UNSTIFLED adj. not stifled.
UNSTILLEDunstilled adj. Not stilled.
UNSTILLED adj. not stilled.
UNSTINTEDunstinted adj. Not constrained, not restrained, or not confined, great in amount or degree.
UNSTINTED adj. not stinted.
UNSTIRREDunstirred adj. That has not been mixed by stirring.
unstirred adj. Not stirred or emotionally excited.
unstirred v. Simple past tense and past participle of unstir.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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