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There are 9 nine-letter words containing NSEN

CONSENSUSconsensus n. A process of decision-making that seeks widespread agreement among group members.
consensus n. General agreement among the members of a given group or community, each of which exercises some discretion…
consensus n. (Computing) An agreement on some data value that is needed during computation.
CONSENTEDconsented v. Simple past tense and past participle of consent.
CONSENT v. to give approval.
CONSENTERconsenter n. One who consents.
CONSENTER n. one who consents.
DENSENESSdenseness n. The quality of being dense, especially in the sense of limited mental capacity.
DENSENESS n. the state of being dense.
INSENSATEinsensate adj. Having no sensation or consciousness; unconscious; inanimate.
insensate adj. Senseless; foolish; irrational.
insensate adj. Unfeeling, heartless, cruel, insensitive.
NONSENSESnonsenses n. Plural of nonsense.
nonsenses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of nonsense.
NONSENSE n. anything which makes no sense.
TENSENESStenseness n. The characteristic of being tense.
tenseness n. (Phonetics) A particular vowel or consonant quality that is phonemically contrastive in many languages…
TENSENESS n. the state of being tense.
TRANSENNAtransenna n. (Architecture) A screen.
TRANSENNA n. (Latin) a screen enclosing a shrine.
UNSENSINGunsensing adj. Not sensing; that does not sense.
UNSENSE v. to deprive of sense.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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