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There are 19 nine-letter words containing NONI

BIGNONIASbignonias n. Plural of bignonia.
BIGNONIA n. any member of the Bignonia genus of tropical plants with trumpet-shaped flowers.
CANNONIERcannonier n. Alternative form of cannoneer.
CANNONIER n. a soldier who managed and fired a cannon, also CANNONEER.
CANNONINGcannoning v. Present participle of cannon.
CANNON v. to collide with, strike on the rebound.
CANONICALcanonical adj. Present in a canon, religious or otherwise.
canonical adj. According to recognised or orthodox rules.
canonical adj. Stated or used in the most basic and straightforwardly applicable manner.
CANONISEDcanonised v. Simple past tense and past participle of canonise.
CANONISE v. to declare to be a saint, also CANONIZE.
CANONISERCANONISER n. one who canonises, also CANONIZER.
CANONISEScanonises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of canonise.
CANONISE v. to declare to be a saint, also CANONIZE.
CANONISTScanonists n. Plural of canonist.
CANONIST n. a specialist in canon law.
CANONIZEDcanonized adj. Made part of the canon; made official.
canonized adj. (Christianity) In the Roman Catholic Church, officially declared a saint.
canonized v. Simple past tense and past participle of canonize.
CANONIZERCANONIZER n. one who canonises, also CANONISER.
CANONIZEScanonizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of canonize.
CANONIZE v. to declare to be a saint, also CANONISE.
NONILLIONnonillion num. (US, modern British & Australian, short scale) 1030.
nonillion num. (Dated British & Australian, long scale) 1054.
nonillion n. (Hyperbolic) An unspecified very large number.
NONIMAGESnonimages n. Plural of nonimage.
NONIMAGE n. a person who has no image i.e. is not a celebrity.
NONIMMUNEnonimmune adj. (Medicine) Not immune; lacking immunity.
nonimmune adj. (Medicine) Unrelated to the immune system.
NONIMMUNE adj. not immune.
NONIMPACTnonimpact adj. Not involving impact.
NONIMPACT n. a lack of impact.
NONINJURYnoninjury n. A practice or philosophy of not causing injury to others.
noninjury adj. Not of or pertaining to injury.
NONINJURY adj. relating to something that is not an injury.
NONINSECTnoninsect n. A creature that is not a insect.
NONINSECT n. a creature that is not an insect.
NONISSUESnonissues n. Plural of nonissue.
non-issues n. Plural of non-issue.
NONISSUE n. a topic that is not controversial.
UNCANONICuncanonic adj. Uncanonical.
UNCANONIC adj. not canonical, also UNCANONICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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