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There are 15 nine-letter words containing NONA

CANNONADEcannonade n. The firing of artillery for a length of time.
cannonade n. (Figuratively) A loud noise like a cannonade; a booming.
cannonade v. To discharge artillery fire upon.
NONACIDICnonacidic adj. Not acidic.
NONACIDIC adj. not acidic.
NONACTINGnonacting adj. Not acting.
nonacting adj. Not of or pertaining to acting.
NONACTING n. acting that is of poor quality or does not conform to conventional ideas of what constitutes acting.
NONACTIONnonaction n. The absence of action; failure to act.
NONACTION n. not action.
NONACTIVEnonactive adj. Not active; inactive; inert.
NONACTIVE adj. not active.
NONACTORSnonactors n. Plural of nonactor.
NONACTOR n. a person who is not an actor.
NONADDICTnonaddict n. One who is not an addict.
NONADDICT n. one who is not an addict.
NONADULTSnonadults n. Plural of nonadult.
NONADULT n. a person who is not an adult.
NONAGONALnonagonal adj. Having nine sides and nine angles.
NONAGONAL adj. with nine angles.
NONANIMALnonanimal adj. That does not derive from an animal.
nonanimal adj. That does not involve animals.
nonanimal n. That which is not an animal.
NONANSWERnonanswer n. The lack of an answer.
nonanswer n. An answer that is so vague or noncommittal as to be worthless.
non-answer n. Alternative spelling of nonanswer.
NONARABLEnonarable adj. Not arable.
NONARABLE adj. not arable.
NONARTISTnonartist n. One who is not an artist (creator of art).
NONARTIST n. one who is not an artist.
NONATOMICnonatomic adj. Not atomic.
nonatomic adj. (Chemistry) Having nine atoms in each molecule.
NONATOMIC adj. not atomic.
NONAUTHORnonauthor n. One who is not an author.
NONAUTHOR n. one who is not an author.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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