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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing NGOS

ANGOSTURAangostura n. Angostura bitters.
angostura n. A South American tree, with bark used in tradition medicine and as an ingredient in various bitters…
Angostura prop.n. (Historical) The former name of Ciudad Bolivar, a town on the Orinoco.
CHARANGOScharangos n. Plural of charango.
CHARANGO n. a small South American ten-stringed instrument, made from the shell of an armadillo.
CONTANGOScontangos n. Plural of contango.
CONTANGO n. the premium or interest paid by a buyer of stock to the seller, to be allowed to defer payment.
FANDANGOSfandangos n. Plural of fandango.
FANDANGO n. (Spanish) a lively Spanish dance performed by a couple.
FLAMINGOSflamingos n. Plural of flamingo.
FLAMINGO n. a long-legged tropical bird.
FUNGOSITYfungosity n. The quality of being fungous.
fungosity n. A fungal growth.
FUNGOSITY n. the quality of being fungous.
MANGOSTANmangostan n. Archaic form of mangosteen.
MANGOSTAN n. (Malay) a tree of the East Indies, or its orange-shaped fruit, also MANGOSTEEN.
MUNDUNGOSmundungos n. Plural of mundungo.
MUNDUNGO n. (Spanish) a foul-smelling tobacco, also MUNDUNGUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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