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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing NECR

NECROLOGYnecrology n. (Church history) A church register containing the names of those connected with the church who have died.
necrology n. A listing of people who have died during a specific period of time.
necrology n. A notice of death.
NECROPHILNECROPHIL n. someone who is morbidly attracted to corpses, also NECROPHILE.
NECROPOLInecropoli n. Plural of necropolis.
NECROPOLIS n. (Greek) a cemetery or burial place.
NECROSINGnecrosing v. Present participle of necrose.
NECROSE v. to affect with necrosis.
NECROTISEnecrotise v. Alternative spelling of necrotize.
NECROTISE v. to affect with or undergo necrosis, also NECROTIZE.
NECROTIZEnecrotize v. To undergo, or to cause necrosis; to become or to make necrotic.
NECROTIZE v. to affect with or undergo necrosis, also NECROTISE.
NECROTOMYnecrotomy n. The dissection of a cadaver.
necrotomy n. (Medicine) The surgical removal of dead tissue, especially bone.
NECROTOMY n. the dissection of dead bodies; the removal of necrosed bone from a living body.
RUNECRAFTrunecraft n. Knowledge of runes; skill in deciphering runic characters.
runecraft n. Knowledge of, or skill in, the use of runes for esoteric and magical purposes.
RUNECRAFT n. skill with runes.
STONECROPstonecrop n. Any of various succulent plants of the Crassulaceae family, native to temperate zones, especially in genus Sedum.
stonecrop n. Certain plants of genus Lithospermum, in family Boraginaceae.
STONECROP n. a yellow flower of rockeries etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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