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There are 14 nine-letter words containing NEBR

CANEBRAKEcanebrake n. (US) A dense thicket of sugarcane, bamboo or similar plants.
cane␣brake n. A dense thicket of sugar-canes or bamboos.
CANEBRAKE n. a thicket of canes.
DANNEBROGDannebrog n. The national flag of Denmark, featuring a white Nordic cross atop a red background; is said to be the…
Dannebrog n. A Danish order of knights founded in 1219 and revived in 1671.
Dannebrog prop.n. A village in Nebraska.
FUNEBRIALfunebrial adj. (Obsolete) Pertaining to a funeral or funerals; funereal.
FUNEBRIAL adj. of or pertaining to a funeral, also FUNEBRAL.
INEBRIANTinebriant n. An intoxicating agent.
inebriant adj. Intoxicating; inebriating.
INEBRIANT n. something that inebriates.
INEBRIATEinebriate n. A person who is intoxicated, especially one who is habitually drunk.
inebriate v. (Transitive) To cause to be drunk; to intoxicate.
inebriate v. (Transitive, figurative) To disorder the senses of; to exhilarate, elate or stupefy as if by spirituous drink.
INEBRIETYinebriety n. The state of being inebriated; inebriation, drunkenness.
INEBRIETY n. drunkenness.
INEBRIOUSinebrious adj. (Archaic) intoxicated; drunk.
inebrious adj. (Archaic) intoxicating.
INEBRIOUS adj. drunk; causing intoxication.
STERNEBRAsternebra n. (Anatomy) One of the segments of the sternum.
STERNEBRA n. one of the segments of the sternum.
TENEBRIOSTENEBRIO n. (Latin) a night spirit, a night prowler.
TENEBRISMtenebrism n. A style of painting using very pronounced chiaroscuro, with darkness a dominating feature of the image.
TENEBRISM n. a style of painting, associated with the Italian painter Caravaggio, in which most of the figures are engulfed in shadow but some are dramatically illuminated by concentrated light.
TENEBRISTtenebrist n. A painter working in the style of tenebrism.
TENEBRIST n. a painter in the style of tenebrism.
TENEBRITYtenebrity n. Darkness; gloom.
TENEBRITY n. gloom, darkness.
TENEBROSEtenebrose adj. Dark; tenebrous.
tenebrose adj. (Figuratively) obscure; obtuse; incomprehensible.
tenebrose adj. (Figuratively) morally, culturally or mentally benighted; backward; uncivilized.
TENEBROUStenebrous adj. Dark and gloomy.
TENEBROUS adj. gloomy, obscure, also TENEBRIOUS, TENEBROSE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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