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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing NDAT

EMENDATEDemendated v. Simple past tense and past participle of emendate.
EMENDATE v. to correct, also EMEND.
EMENDATESemendates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of emendate.
EMENDATE v. to correct, also EMEND.
EMENDATORemendator n. One who emends or critically edits.
EMENDATOR n. one who emends or critically edits.
FECUNDATEfecundate v. To make fertile.
fecundate v. To inseminate.
FECUNDATE v. to make fruitful or prolific.
INUNDATEDinundated adj. Flooded.
inundated v. Simple past tense and past participle of inundate.
INUNDATE v. to fill with overflowing abundance.
INUNDATESinundates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of inundate.
INUNDATE v. to fill with overflowing abundance.
INUNDATORinundator n. A device that saturates the sand with the appropriate amount of water when making concrete.
INUNDATOR n. one who inundates.
MANDATARYmandatary n. One who receives a mandate.
MANDATARY n. the holder of a mandate, also MANDATORY.
MANDATINGmandating v. Present participle of mandate.
MANDATE v. to issue with a mandate.
MANDATORSmandators n. Plural of mandator.
MANDATOR n. one who gives a mandate.
MANDATORYmandatory adj. Obligatory; required or commanded by authority.
mandatory adj. Of, being or relating to a mandate.
mandatory n. (Disc golf) A sign or line that require the path of the disc to be above, below or to one side of it.
PANDATIONpandation n. (Formal) A yielding or warping.
PANDATION n. (archaic) warping.
RAINDATESraindates n. Plural of raindate.
RAINDATE n. an alternate date in the event of rain.
ROTUNDATErotundate adj. Rounded, especially at the end or corners.
ROTUNDATE adj. rounded off; orbicular.
UNDATABLEundatable adj. Not able to be dated; that may be not be ascribed a date (or age).
undatable adj. Not dateable; unsuitable for romantic outings; unattractive.
undatable n. A person who is unsuitable to be dated, or taken on a romantic outing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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