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There are 18 eight-letter words containing NWAR

DOWNWARDdownward adv. Toward a lower level, whether in physical space, in a hierarchy, or in amount or value.
downward adv. At a lower level.
downward adv. Southward.
DOWNWARPdownwarp n. (Geology) A segment of the crust of the Earth that bends downward.
DOWNWARP n. a broad surface depression.
INWARDLYinwardly adv. In an inward manner; to or toward the inside or to oneself.
inwardly adv. (Obsolete) Completely, fully.
INWARD adv. placed within, also INWARDS.
IRONWAREironware n. Articles made of iron, as household utensils, tools, and the like.
IRONWARE n. articles made of iron.
MANWARDSmanwards adv. Toward mankind.
MANWARDS adv. towards man, also MANWARD.
MOONWARDmoonward adv. Toward the moon.
moonward adj. Which faces or points to or leads to the moon.
MOONWARD adv. in the direction of the moon, also MOONWARDS.
ONWARDLYonwardly adv. Onward.
ONWARDLY adv. going on.
OVENWAREovenware n. Cooking utensils that can be safely used in an oven.
OVENWARE n. heat-resistant baking dishes.
SUNWARDSsunwards adv. Toward the sun.
SUNWARDS adv. towards the sun, also SUNWARD.
TINWAREStinwares n. Plural of tinware.
TINWARE n. articles made of tinplate.
TOWNWARDtownward adj. Towards a town.
townward adv. Towards a town; townwards.
TOWNWARD adv. in the direction of the town.
UNWARDEDunwarded adj. Not warded or guarded.
unwarded adj. Of a lock: not fitted with wards.
UNWARDED adj. not warded.
UNWARELYunwarely adv. (Poetic, obsolete) unawares; unforeseen.
UNWARELY adv. (obsolete) unwarily.
UNWARIERunwarier adj. Comparative form of unwary: more unwary.
UNWARIE adj. (Spenser) unwary.
UNWARILYunwarily adv. In an unwary manner.
UNWARY adv. not wary, also UNWARIE.
UNWARMEDunwarmed adj. Not warmed.
UNWARMED adj. not warmed.
UNWARNEDunwarned adj. Not warned.
UNWARNED adj. not warned.
UNWARPEDunwarped adj. Not warped.
UNWARPED adj. not warped.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 32 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 18 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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