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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 8 eight-letter words containing NTOS

AILANTOSailantos n. Plural of ailanto.
AILANTO n. (Amboina) an oriental tree, the tree of heaven, also AILANTHUS.
CORANTOScorantos n. Plural of coranto.
CORANTO n. (Italian) a rapid and lively dance.
MEMENTOSmementos n. Plural of memento.
MEMENTO n. (Latin) something kept or given as a reminder, also MOMENTO.
MOMENTOSmomentos n. Misspelling of momentoes.
MOMENTO n. something kept or given as a reminder, also MEMENTO.
PENTOSANpentosan n. (Biochemistry) Any polysaccharide composed of pentoses.
PENTOSAN n. a complex carbohydrate found in cellulose, also PENTOSANE.
PENTOSESpentoses n. Plural of pentose.
PENTOSE n. a sugar with five carbon atoms per molecule.
PIMENTOSpimentos n. Plural of pimento.
PIMENTO n. (Spanish) allspice or Jamaica pepper, the dried unripe fruits of a West Indian tree.
VENTOSESventoses n. Plural of ventose.
Ventôses prop.n. Plural of Ventôse.
VENTOSE n. an apparatus sometimes used to assist the delivery of a baby, consisting of a cup which is attached to the fetal head by suction, also VENTOUSE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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