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There are 15 eight-letter words containing NSER

ANSERINEanserine adj. Silly, foolish, stupid.
anserine adj. Pertaining to a goose or geese; gooselike.
anserine n. (Biochemistry) A dipeptide compound present in birds and other vertebrates, originally isolated from goose muscle.
ANSEROUSanserous adj. Resembling a goose.
anserous adj. Silly.
ANSEROUS adj. resembling a goose; silly; simple.
CLEANSERcleanser n. Something that cleanses, such as a detergent.
CLEANSER n. that which cleanses.
CONSERVEconserve n. Wilderness where human development is prohibited.
conserve n. A jam or thick syrup made from fruit.
conserve n. (Obsolete) A medicinal confection made of freshly gathered vegetable substances mixed with finely powdered…
ENSERFEDenserfed v. Simple past tense and past participle of enserf.
enserfed adj. Bound as a serf; having the condition of a serf.
ENSERF v. to make a serf of.
FLENSERSflensers n. Plural of flenser.
FLENSER n. one that flenses, also FLENCHER.
IMMENSERimmenser adj. Comparative form of immense: more immense.
IMMENSE adj. huge.
INCENSERincenser n. One who instigates or incites.
INCENSER n. a burner of incense, also INCENSOR.
INSERTEDinserted v. Simple past tense and past participle of insert.
inserted adj. (Botany) Attached to or growing out of some part.
INSERT v. to put in.
INSERTERinserter n. A person who, or device that inserts.
inserter n. A machine that inserts components into envelopes for mass mailing.
INSERTER n. one who inserts.
INTENSERintenser adj. Comparative form of intense: more intense.
INTENSE adj. existing in a high degree.
LICENSERlicenser n. Alternative form of licensor.
LICENSER n. one who licenses, also LICENSOR.
REINSERTreinsert v. To insert again.
REINSERT v. to insert again.
SANSERIFsanserif n. Alternative spelling of sans serif.
sanserif adj. Alternative spelling of sans serif.
SANSERIF n. a typeface without serifs.
UNSERVEDunserved adj. Not served.
unserved adj. (Law) yet to be served (prison sentence).
UNSERVED adj. not served.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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