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There are 18 eight-letter words containing NOTA

ANNOTATEannotate v. (Transitive) To add annotation to.
ANNOTATE v. to append notes.
CENOTAPHcenotaph n. A monument, generally in the form of an empty tomb, erected to honour the dead whose bodies lie elsewhere…
Cenotaph prop.n. (UK) A war memorial in Whitehall, London, England.
CENOTAPH n. a tomb or monument erected in honor of a person whose body is elsewhere.
DENOTATEdenotate v. (Archaic) To mark off; to denote.
DENOTATE v. (obsolete) to denote.
MINOTAURminotaur prop.n. (Greek mythology) Alternative letter-case form of Minotaur.
minotaur n. Anything resembling the Greek monster, whether by appearance or by strength.
Minotaur prop.n. (Greek mythology) A monster, half man and half bull, who dwelled in the labyrinth in Crete and who was…
MONOTASKmonotask v. (Intransitive) To perform only one task at a time.
monotask n. A single task performed while not performing other tasks (i.e. not multitasking).
MONOTASK v. to perform one task at a time.
NOTABLESnotables n. Plural of notable.
NOTABLE n. a person of distinction.
NOTAEUMSNOTAEUM n. (Greek) the upper surface of a bird's trunk.
NOTAIRESNOTAIRE n. in France, a public official authorized by the state to attest and certify certain legal documents, oversee property transactions, etc.
NOTANDUMnotandum n. (Chiefly in the plural) Something to be noted or observed; a notable fact.
NOTANDUM n. (Latin) something to be specially noted.
NOTARIALnotarial adj. Pertaining to a notary or notaries.
notarial adj. Written or executed by a notary.
NOTARIAL adj. of or pertaining to a notary.
NOTARIESnotaries n. Plural of notary.
NOTARY n. a public official who can certify documents.
NOTARISEnotarise v. Alternative spelling of notarize.
NOTARISE v. to attest to as a notary, also NOTARIZE.
NOTARIZEnotarize v. (Transitive) To be witness of the authenticity of a document and its accompanying signatures in one’s…
NOTARIZE v. to attest to as a notary, also NOTARISE.
NOTATINGnotating v. Present participle of notate.
NOTATE v. to put into a system of symbols.
NOTATIONnotation n. (Uncountable) The act, process, method, or an instance of representing by a system or set of marks…
notation n. (Uncountable) A system of characters, symbols, or abbreviated expressions used in an art or science…
notation n. (Countable) A specific note or piece of information written in such a notation.
NOTATORSnotators n. Plural of notator.
NOTATOR n. one that notates.
PINOTAGEpinotage n. A South African grape variety.
pinotage n. A red wine made from these grapes.
PINOTAGE n. a variety of grape grown mainly in South Africa, produced by crossing Pinot with another grape; a red wine made from this grape.
PRONOTALpronotal adj. Of or pertaining to the pronotum.
PRONOTAL adj. pertaining to the pronotum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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