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There are 16 eight-letter words containing NIDI

CONIDIALconidial adj. Relating to, or composed of a conidium.
CONIDIAL adj. relating to a conidium, a kind of reproductive cell found in certain fungi, also CONIDIAN.
CONIDIANCONIDIAN adj. relating to a conidium, a kind of reproductive cell found in certain fungi, also CONIDIAL.
CONIDIUMconidium n. (Mycology) A fungal spore produced asexually in a conidiophore.
CONIDIUM n. (Greek) a kind of reproductive cell found in certain fungi, and often containing zoospores.
CTENIDIActenidia n. Plural of ctenidium.
CTENIDIUM n. (Greek) a comblike anatomical structure.
GONIDIALgonidial adj. (Botany) Relating to, or containing, gonidia.
gonidial adj. (Zoology) Of or pertaining to the angles of the mouth.
GONIDIAL adj. pertaining to gonidia, algal cells in lichen, also GONIDIC.
GONIDIUMgonidium n. (Lichenology, phycology) A photosynthetic algal cell in the thallus of a lichen; a similar asexual reproductive…
gonidium n. (Zoology) A special groove or furrow at one or both angles of the mouth of many Anthozoa.
GONIDIUM n. an algal cell in a lichen.
GUANIDINguanidin n. Alternative form of guanidine.
GUANIDIN n. a strongly basic compound used in organic synthesis, also GUANIDINE.
MINIDISCminidisc n. A disc/disk in MiniDisc format.
minidisc n. A minidisc player or recorder.
MiniDisc n. (Uncountable) A magnetooptical format for storing digital audio.
MINIDISHminidish n. (Telecommunications) A small-sized satellite dish.
MINIDISH n. a small receiving dish for receiving satellite transmissions.
MINIDISKminidisk n. (Computing, dated) A 5.25-inch floppy disk.
MINIDISK n. a miniature compact disc, also MINIDISC.
NIDIFIEDnidified v. Simple past tense and past participle of nidify.
NIDIFY v. to nest.
PYCNIDIApycnidia n. Plural of pycnidium.
PYCNIDIUM n. a spore-bearing organ in some fungi.
SANIDINEsanidine n. (Mineralogy) A variety of orthoclase feldspar found as tabular crystals embedded in volcanic rocks…
SANIDINE n. a variety of orthoclase feldspar common in certain eruptive rocks.
SNIDIESTSNIDEY adj. maliciously derogatory, also SNIDE.
VENIDIUMvenidium n. A South African daisy of the genus Venidium or Arctotis.
VENIDIUM n. a plant native to South Africa with yellow or cream flowers, aka Cape Daisy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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