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There are 18 eight-letter words containing NETI

AGENETICagenetic adj. Not genetic; that does not have a genetic cause.
AGENETIC adj. relating to agenesis, imperfect development of bodily parts.
AKINETICakinetic adj. Without motion.
akinetic adj. Of or pertaining to akinesia: akinesic.
AKINETIC adj. relating to akinesia, the loss of the power of voluntary movement.
FRENETICfrenetic adj. Fast, harried; having extreme enthusiasm or energy.
frenetic adj. (Obsolete) Mentally deranged, insane.
frenetic adj. (Obsolete, medicine) Characterised by manifestations of delirium or madness.
GENETICSgenetics n. (Biology) The branch of biology that deals with the transmission and variation of inherited characteristics…
genetics n. (Biology) The genetic makeup of a specific individual or species.
GENETICS n. the science of heredity.
KINETICSkinetics n. (Mechanics) The branch of mechanics concerned with motion of objects, as well as the reason i.e. the…
kinetics n. (Chemistry) The branch of chemistry that is concerned with the rates of chemical reactions.
KINETICS n. the study of forces producing or changing motion.
KINETINSkinetins n. Plural of kinetin.
KINETIN n. a substance that increases plant growth.
LIMNETIClimnetic adj. Of or pertaining to the deeper, open water of a lake.
limnetic n. Any animal that lives in the limnetic zone.
LIMNETIC adj. living in fresh water, also LIMNIC.
MAGNETICmagnetic adj. Of, relating to, operating by, or caused by magnetism.
magnetic adj. Having the properties of a magnet, especially the ability to draw or pull.
magnetic adj. Determined by earth’s magnetic fields.
MONETISEmonetise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of monetize.
MONETISE v. to coin into money, also MONETIZE.
MONETIZEmonetize v. To convert something (especially a security) into currency.
monetize v. To mint money.
monetize v. To establish a currency as legal tender.
NETIZENSnetizens n. Plural of netizen.
Netizens n. Plural of Netizen.
NETIZEN n. a citizen of the Internet.
NINETIESnineties n. Plural of ninety.
nineties n. The decade of the 1890s, 1990s, etc.
nineties n. The decade of one’s life from age 90 through age 99.
PHENETICphenetic adj. (Systematics) Of, or relating to, phenetics.
PHENETIC adj. pertaining to a type of classificatory system.
PHONETICphonetic adj. Relating to the sounds of spoken language.
phonetic adj. (Linguistics) Relating to phones (as opposed to phonemes).
phonetic adj. Relating to the spoken rather than written form of a word or name, as opposed to orthographic.
PLANETICplanetic adj. Of or relating to planets.
PLANETIC adj. of or pertaining to planets, also PLANETICAL.
TONETICStonetics n. (Linguistics) The use or study of intonation.
TONETICS n. the phonetic study of tone in language.
VENETIANVenetian adj. Of, from, or relating to Venice, Italian city.
Venetian adj. Of, from, or relating to Veneto, Italian region.
Venetian n. An inhabitant or a resident of Venice, the city.
ZONETIMEzonetime n. (Rare) The time in a particular time zone, based on a meridian, as opposed to standard time.
ZONETIME n. standard time used at sea.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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