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There are 19 eight-letter words containing NERE

BANNEREDbannered adj. Decorated with a banner or banners.
bannered v. Simple past tense and past participle of banner.
BANNER v. to furnish with a flag.
BANNERETbanneret n. (Law, historical) Clipping of knight banneret: a knight entitled to subinfeudate his estate and to lead…
banneret n. A small banner.
banneret n. (Military, historical) A proposed but unadopted senior commissioned rank of the Royal Air Force equivalent…
CINEREALcinereal adj. Of or pertaining to cinerea.
cinereal adj. Cinereous, ashen.
CINEREAL adj. relating to cinerea, the grey matter of the brain.
CINEREASCINEREA n. the grey matter of the brain.
CORNEREDcornered v. Simple past tense and past participle of corner.
CORNER v. to gain control of.
DAUNEREDdaunered v. Simple past tense and past participle of dauner.
DAUNER v. (dialect) to stroll, saunter, also DANDER, DAUNDER, DAWNER.
DAWNEREDdawnered v. Simple past tense and past participle of dawner.
DAWNER v. (dialect) to stroll, saunter, also DANDER, DAUNDER, DAUNER.
DINNEREDdinnered v. Simple past tense and past participle of dinner.
DINNER v. to dine.
DONNEREDdonnered v. Simple past tense and past participle of donner.
DONNERED adj. (Scots) stupid, dull-witted, also DONNARD, DONNART, DONNERD, DONNERT.
EXONEREEexoneree n. One who is exonerated.
EXONEREE n. a person who is proven not guilty of a crime.
FUNEREALfunereal adj. Of or relating to a funeral.
funereal adj. Similar to or befitting the mood or elements of a funeral: slow; black colors; formal; dignified or solemn.
FUNEREAL adj. pertaining to a funeral; mournful.
GARNEREDgarnered v. Simple past tense and past participle of garner.
GARNER v. to gather and store.
LANNERETlanneret n. A male lanner, smaller than the female.
LANNERET n. the male lanner, a kind of falcon.
MANNEREDmannered adj. (Often in combination) Having manners or (often excessive) mannerisms.
MANNERED adj. having a certain manner.
NEREIDESnereides n. Plural of nereid.
NEREIS n. a marine worm.
SINNEREDSINNER v. to transgress, to act as a sinner.
VENEREALvenereal adj. Of or relating to the genitals or sexual intercourse.
venereal adj. Of a disease: sexually transmitted; of or relating to, or adapted to the cure of, a venereal disease.
venereal adj. (Astrology, obsolete) Pertaining to the astrological influence of the planet Venus; lascivious, lustful.
VENEREANvenerean adj. (Obsolete) Devoted to the offices of Venus, or love; venereal.
VENEREAN n. a person addicted to sexual intercourse.
VENERERSvenerers n. Plural of venerer.
VENERER n. a gamekeeper.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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