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There are 11 eight-letter words containing NAST

CANASTAScanastas n. Plural of canasta.
CANASTA n. (Spanish) a card game similar to rummy.
CANASTERcanaster n. (Tobacco) Coarse, dried tobacco leaves.
CANASTER n. (Spanish) a kind of tobacco for smoking, made of the dried leaves, coarsely broken.
DYNASTICdynastic adj. Pertaining to a dynasty.
DYNASTIC adj. relating to a dynasty, also DYNASTICAL.
EPINASTYepinasty n. (Botany) The downward curvature of leaves etc due to differential growth rates.
epinasty n. (Botany) A nastic movement which bends a plant part (e.g. a petal) outward.
EPINASTY n. a downward bending of plant parts.
GYMNASTSgymnasts n. Plural of gymnast.
GYMNAST n. one who is skilled in physical exercises.
MONASTICmonastic adj. Of or relating to monasteries or monks.
monastic n. A person with monastic ways; a monk.
MONASTIC adj. relating to monks.
NASTALIKNastalik prop.n. Alternative spelling of Nastaliq.
NASTALIK n. (Arabic) a Persian cursive script, having long horizontal strokes and rounded characters.
NASTIESTnastiest adj. Superlative form of nasty: most nasty.
NASTY adj. ill-natured.
PINASTERpinaster n. A maritime pine (species Pinus pinaster), that grows in southern Europe.
PINASTER n. a species of pine growing in Southern Europe.
PLEONASTpleonast n. (Rare) One who is addicted to pleonasm, or redundancy in speech or writing.
PLEONAST n. someone who is prone to redundancy.
SYNASTRYsynastry n. (Astrology) concurrence of the position or influence of stars.
synastry n. (By extension) similarity of condition, fortune, etc., as prefigured by astrological calculation.
SYNASTRY n. coincidence of stellar influences.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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