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There are 17 seven-letter words containing NTON

ANTONYMantonym n. (Semantics) A word which has the opposite meaning of another word.
ANTONYM n. a word opposite in meaning to another.
CANTONScantons n. Plural of canton.
CANTON v. to divide into districts.
DANTONSdantons v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of danton.
DANTON v. to dare, also DAUNTON.
DAUNTONDaunton prop.n. A surname.
DAUNTON v. to dare, also DANTON.
FRONTONfronton n. (Architecture) A pediment.
fronton n. A two-walled or single-walled court used as a playing area for Basque pelota.
FRONTON n. (French) an area used for jai alai (a form of handball).
INTONEDintoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of intone.
INTONE v. to speak in a singing voice.
INTONERintoner n. One who intones.
INTONER n. one who intones.
INTONESintones v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of intone.
INTONE v. to speak in a singing voice.
PANTONSpantons n. Plural of panton.
Pantons prop.n. Plural of Panton.
PANTON n. (Scots) a slipper.
PONTONSpontons n. Plural of ponton.
Pontons prop.n. Plural of Ponton.
PONTON n. a float, a bridge of boats, also PONTOON.
SANTONSsantons n. Plural of santon.
SANTON n. (Spanish) an Eastern dervish or saint.
SYNTONESYNTONE n. a person having a syntonic temperament.
SYNTONYsyntony n. (Electronics) A condition in which two oscillators have the same resonant frequency.
syntony n. A syntonic state.
SYNTONY n. the tuning of transmitters and receivers with each other.
TANTONYtantony n. Synonym of tantony pig.
TANTONY n. the smallest pig in a litter.
UNTONEDuntoned adj. Not toned.
UNTONED adj. not toned.
WANTONSwantons n. Plural of wanton.
wantons v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of wanton.
WANTON v. to behave in a wanton fashion.
WONTONSwontons n. Plural of wonton.
won␣tons n. Plural of won ton.
WONTON n. (Chinese) in Chinese cuisine, a spicy dumpling containing minced pork, esp. served in soup.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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