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There are 18 seven-letter words containing NTIC

ANTICALantical adj. (Botany) Oriented towards the apex.
antical adj. (Botany) Of or pertaining to the surface of a prostrate thallus that is oriented away from the substrate.
ANTICAL adj. above or in front of another plant part, anterior.
ANTICARanticar adj. Opposed to automobiles or the excessive use of automobiles.
anticar n. An automobile that defies the normal idea of a car.
ANTICAR adj. opposed to cars.
ANTICKEanticke adj. Obsolete form of antique.
ANTICKE adj. (obsolete) antique.
ANTICKE n. an antic, also ANTICK.
ANTICKSanticks n. Plural of antick.
ANTICK n. (obsolete) an antic, also ANTIC.
ANTICLYanticly adv. In an odd or grotesque manner.
ANTIC adv. quaint, also ANTICK.
BIONTICbiontic adj. (Biology, rare) Relating to an individual organism.
biontic adj. (Obsolete or nonstandard) Biological.
biontic adj. Misspelling of biotic.
CANTICOcantico n. A sacred ceremony of the Algonquin tribe that involved dancing in a circle, at which colonists were not welcome.
cantico n. A dance festival in which colonial Americans and natives both participated.
cantico n. (By extension) An uproar; activity that is full of high spirits and violent action.
DEONTICdeontic adj. (Ethics, linguistics) Pertaining to necessity, duty or obligation, or expressions conveying this.
DEONTIC adj. pertaining to deontics, the study of ethics.
ENTICEDenticed v. Simple past tense and past participle of entice.
ENTICE v. to lead astray.
ENTICERenticer n. One who entices or allures.
ENTICER n. one who entices.
ENTICESentices v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of entice.
ENTICE v. to lead astray.
FRANTICfrantic adj. (Archaic) Insane, mentally unstable.
frantic adj. In a state of panic, worry, frenzy or rush.
frantic adj. Extremely energetic.
IDENTICidentic adj. (Obsolete) Identical.
identic adj. (Diplomacy, obsolete) Precisely agreeing in sentiment or opinion and form or manner of expression; applied…
IDENTIC adj. identical.
ODONTICodontic adj. Dental.
ODONTIC adj. dental.
OXYNTICoxyntic adj. (Immunology) Producing acid.
OXYNTIC adj. of stomach cells, secreting acid.
PENTICEpentice n. An extension of a building’s roof and the protected area beneath.
pentice n. A covered walkway.
pentice n. (Mining) An unexcavated portion of a shaftway, intended to afford protection from falling debris to…
QUANTICquantic n. (Mathematics) A homogeneous polynomial in two or more variables.
QUANTIC n. a kind of mathematical function.
QUINTICquintic adj. (Mathematics) Of or relating to the fifth degree, such as a quintic polynomial which has the form 𝑎𝑥…
quintic n. (Mathematics) a quintic polynomial: 𝑎𝑥5+𝑏𝑥4+𝑐𝑥3+𝑑𝑥2+𝑒𝑥+𝑓.
QUINTIC n. an equation of the fifth degree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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