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There are 17 seven-letter words containing NONS

CANNONScannons n. Plural of cannon.
cannons v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cannon.
Cannons prop.n. Plural of Cannon.
GUENONSguenons n. Plural of guenon.
GUENON n. (French) a long-tailed monkey.
MAGNONSmagnons n. Plural of magnon.
MAGNON n. a quantum of spin wave energy.
MIGNONSmignons n. Plural of mignon.
MIGNON n. (French) a filet mignon, a small boneless cut of beef from the underside of a sirloin.
NONSELFnonself n. (Philosophy, psychology) Any entity other than oneself.
nonself n. (Immunology, uncountable) All agents and substances that are not the body’s own.
nonself adj. (Immunology) Of nonself origin.
NONSKEDnonsked n. A nonscheduled airline.
NONSKED n. an airline without scheduled flying times.
NONSKIDnonskid adj. Having a surface designed to prevent or reduce skidding; not able to skid or be skidded upon.
non-skid adj. Alternative form of nonskid.
NONSKID adj. designed to inhibit skidding.
NONSLIPnonslip adj. Having a surface designed to prevent or reduce slipping; not able to slip or be slipped upon.
non-slip adj. Alternative form of nonslip.
NONSLIP adj. designed to prevent slipping.
NONSTOPnonstop adj. Without stopping; without interruption or break.
nonstop adj. (Genetics) Describing a point mutation within a stop codon that causes the continued translation of an mRNA strand.
nonstop adv. Without stopping; without interruption or break.
NONSUCHnonsuch n. Alternative spelling of nonesuch.
NONSUCH n. a person or thing without an equal, also NONESUCH.
NONSUITnonsuit n. (Law) A lawsuit that is dismissed as having been brought without cause, prior to an adjudication on the merits.
nonsuit n. (Law) A neglect or failure by the plaintiff to follow up his suit; a renunciation or withdrawal of the…
nonsuit v. (Law, transitive) To dismiss (a suit or plaintiff) on the grounds of his or her lawsuit having been…
PENNONSpennons n. Plural of pennon.
PENNON n. a long, narrow flag, also PENNANT.
PHONONSphonons n. Plural of phonon.
PHONON n. a quantum of vibrational energy.
PYCNONSPYCNON n. (Greek) a term in ancient Greek music; in mediaeval music, a semitone.
ROGNONSROGNON n. (French) an isolated rock outcrop on a glacier.
TIGNONStignons n. Plural of tignon.
TIGNON n. a piece of cloth worn as a headdress in Louisiana.
TURNONSturnons n. Plural of turnon.
turn-ons n. Plural of turn-on.
TURNON n. something that arouses interest.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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