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There are 9 seven-letter words containing NNAT

ANNATESannates n. Plural of annate.
ANNATES n. (historical) the first year's profits of a spiritual preferment, anciently paid by the clergy to the pope.
ANNATTAANNATTA n. (Caribbean) a yellowish red dye, also ANATTA, ANATTO, ANNATTO, ARNATTO, ARNOTTO.
ANNATTOannatto n. (Countable) A tropical American evergreen shrub, Bixa orellana; the lipstick tree; the fruit of the tree.
annatto n. (Uncountable) The seed of this tree used as a colouring or in Latin American cooking.
annatto n. (Uncountable) An orange-red dye obtained from this seed.
CONNATEconnate adj. Of the same or a similar nature; proceeding from the same stock or root.
connate adj. Inborn.
connate adj. (Botany) United with other organs of the same kind (for example sepals connate with sepals, petals connate…
DONNATSDONNAT n. (dialect) a good-for-nothing, also DONNOT.
PENNATEpennate adj. (Sciences) Having a feather-like shape.
pennate n. (Anatomy) A penniform muscle.
PENNATE adj. having wings or feathers, also PENNATED.
PINNATEpinnate adj. Resembling a feather.
pinnate adj. (Botany) Having two rows of branches, lobes, leaflets, or veins arranged on each side of a common axis.
pinnate adj. (Zoology) Having a winglike tuft of long feathers on each side of the neck.
QUINNATquinnat n. Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, the chinook salmon.
QUINNAT n. (Native American) a fish, the king-salmon.
TANNATEtannate n. (Organic chemistry) Any salt or ester of tannic acid.
TANNATE n. a salt of tannic acid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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