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There are 9 seven-letter words containing NANT

EMANANTemanant adj. Flowing forth; emanating or issuing from or as if from a source.
emanant adj. (Philosophy, of a mental act) Passing forth into a physical act, or making itself apparent by an effect…
emanant n. (Mathematics) The result of operating any number of times upon a quantic with the operator (x’d/dx +…
PENNANTpennant n. A flag normally used by naval vessels to represent a special condition.
pennant n. (Sports) The winning of a competition, represented by a flag.
pennant n. A commemorative flag, traditionally triangular and made of felt, typically used to show support for…
POYNANTpoynant adj. Obsolete form of poignant.
POYNANT adj. (Spenser) poignant.
REGNANTregnant adj. Reigning, ruling; currently holding power.
regnant adj. Dominant; holding sway; having particular power or influence.
regnant adj. (Postpositive) of a monarch, ruling in one’s one right; often contrasted with consort and dowager.
REMNANTremnant n. The small portion remaining of a larger thing or group.
remnant n. The remaining fabric at the end of the bolt.
remnant n. An unsold end of piece goods, as cloth, ribbons, carpets, etc.
SONANTSsonants n. Plural of sonant.
SONANT n. a sound made by vibration of the vocal chords.
TENANTStenants n. Plural of tenant.
tenants v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tenant.
Tenants prop.n. Plural of Tenant.
URINANTurinant adj. (Heraldry): Of a fish: oriented vertically, with the head to base and tail to chief, as if positioned for diving.
URINANT adj. diving head downward.
VERNANTvernant adj. (Obsolete) Flourishing, as in spring; vernal.
VERNANT adj. sprouting in spring.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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