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There are 15 six-letter words containing NGOS

BINGOSbingos n. Plural of bingo.
BINGO n. a lottery-type game.
BONGOSbongos n. Plural of bongo.
BONGO n. (Bantu) a kind of antelope.
CONGOScongos n. Plural of congo.
Congos prop.n. Plural of Congo.
CONGO n. (Chinese) a kind of black Chinese tea, also CONGOU.
DINGOSdingos n. Plural of dingo.
DINGO n. (Native Australian) the Australian wild dog.
FANGOSFANGO n. (Italian) clay or mud from thermal springs in Italy, used in curing gout.
FUNGOSFUNGO n. a fly ball hit to a fielder for practice in baseball.
LINGOSlingos n. Plural of lingo.
Lingos prop.n. Plural of Lingo.
LINGO n. (colloquial) language.
MANGOSmangos n. Plural of mango.
MANGO n. a tropical tree of the cashew-nut family; its yellowish-red fleshy fruit.
MONGOSmongos n. Plural of mongo.
MONGOs n. Plural of MONGO.
MONGO n. the waste produced in a woollen-mill from felted cloth, also MUNGO, MONGOE.
MUNGOSmungos n. Plural of mungo.
mungos n. Alternative form of mongoose.
Mungos prop.n. Plural of Mungo.
PENGOSpengos n. Plural of pengo.
pengős n. Plural of pengő.
PENGO n. (Hungarian) a former monetary unit of Hungary.
PINGOSpingos n. Plural of pingo.
PINGO n. (Inuit) a cone-shaped mound.
PONGOSpongos n. Plural of pongo.
PONGO n. any large ape; esp. the chimpanzee and the orang-outang.
SANGOSsangos n. Plural of sango.
SANGO n. (colloquial) a sandwich, also SANGER.
TANGOStangos n. Plural of tango.
tangos v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tango.
Tangos prop.n. Plural of Tango.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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