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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing NFOR

BIOINFORMATICSbioinformatics n. (Biology, computer science) A field of science in which biology, computer science, and information technology…
bio-informatics n. Alternative spelling of bioinformatics.
BIOINFORMATICS n. the branch of information science dealing with large databases of biochemical or pharmaceutical information.
CONFORMABILITYconformability n. Conformableness.
CONFORMABILITY n. the quality of being conformable.
CONFORMATIONALconformational adj. Of or pertaining to a conformation.
CONFORMATIONAL adj. relating to conformation.
DISCONFORMABLEdisconformable adj. Not conformable.
DISCONFORMABLE adj. not conformable.
DISINFORMATIONdisinformation n. False information intentionally disseminated to deliberately confuse or mislead; intentional misinformation.
disinformation n. Fabricated or deliberately manipulated content. Intentionally created conspiracy theories or rumors.
disinformation v. (Transitive) To use disinformation.
ENFORCEABILITYenforceability n. The quality of being enforceable.
ENFORCEABILITY n. the state of being enforceable.
INCONFORMITIESinconformities n. Plural of inconformity.
INCONFORMITY n. lack of conformity.
INFORMATICIANSinformaticians n. Plural of informatician.
INFORMATICIAN n. someone engaged in informatics.
MISINFORMATIONmisinformation n. Information that is incorrect.
MISINFORMATION n. wrong information.
NONCONFORMANCEnonconformance n. Failure to conform.
NONCONFORMANCE n. failure to conform.
NONCONFORMINGSNONCONFORMING n. the act of not conforming.
NONCONFORMISMSnonconformisms n. Plural of nonconformism.
NONCONFORMISM n. nonconformity.
NONCONFORMISTSnonconformists n. Plural of nonconformist.
Nonconformists n. Plural of Nonconformist.
non-conformists n. Plural of non-conformist.
NONENFORCEMENTnonenforcement n. (Law) Lack of enforcement; failure to enforce.
NONENFORCEMENT n. something that is not enforcement.
NONFORFEITABLEnonforfeitable adj. Not forfeitable.
NONFORFEITABLE adj. not forfeitable.
NONFORFEITURESnonforfeitures n. Plural of nonforfeiture.
NONFORFEITURE n. something that is not forfeiture.
NONINFORMATIONnoninformation adj. Not of or pertaining to information.
NONINFORMATION n. something that is not information.
REINFORCEMENTSreinforcements n. Plural of reinforcement.
REINFORCEMENT n. the action of reinforcing.
UNCONFORMITIESunconformities n. (Geology) plural of unconformity.
UNCONFORMITY n. a buried erosion surface separating two rock masses.
UNFOREKNOWABLEunforeknowable adj. Not foreknowable.
UNFOREKNOWABLE adj. not foreknowable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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