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There are 13 thirteen-letter words containing NTIP

ANTIPARALLELSantiparallels n. Plural of antiparallel.
ANTIPARALLEL n. an antiparallel line.
ANTIPARASITICantiparasitic adj. (Medicine) That counters infection by parasites.
antiparasitic n. (Medicine) A pesticide that counters infection by parasites.
ANTIPARASITIC n. a drug designed to counter parasites.
ANTIPARTICLESantiparticles n. Plural of antiparticle.
anti-particles n. Plural of anti-particle.
ANTIPARTICLE n. the 'pair' of an elementary particle, particle and antiparticle being mutually destructive, having the same mass and spin but having opposite values for their other properties (e.g. charge, baryon number, strangeness).
ANTIPERIODICSantiperiodics n. Plural of antiperiodic.
ANTIPERIODIC n. a drug with an antiperiodic effect.
ANTIPERSONNELantipersonnel adj. (Military) Designed to kill soldiers.
anti-personnel adj. (Military) Referring to devices (typically weapons) intended to harm people in particular.
ANTIPERSONNEL adj. designed for use against troops.
ANTIPESTICIDEantipesticide adj. Opposing the use of pesticides.
ANTIPESTICIDE adj. designating one opposed to the use of pesticides.
ANTIPHONARIESantiphonaries n. Plural of antiphonary.
ANTIPHONARY n. a book of antiphons or of anthems, also ANTIPHONAL, ANTIPHONER.
ANTIPLATELETSantiplatelets n. Plural of antiplatelet.
ANTIPOLITICALantipolitical adj. Opposing politics.
ANTIPOLITICAL adj. opposed to politics.
ANTIPOLLUTIONantipollution n. Anything that helps the environment by reducing pollution.
antipollution adj. Reducing or opposing pollution.
ANTIPOLLUTION adj. designed to prevent or reduce pollution.
ANTIPREDATORYantipredatory adj. Acting against predatory behaviour.
ANTIPRURITICSantipruritics n. Plural of antipruritic.
ANTIPRURITIC n. a drug used to relieve itching.
ANTIPSYCHOTICantipsychotic adj. (Pharmacology) Preventing or counteracting psychosis.
antipsychotic n. (Pharmacology) Any of a group of drugs used to treat psychosis.
ANTIPSYCHOTIC adj. alleviating psychosis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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