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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing NTAN

ACCOUNTANCIESaccountancies n. Plural of accountancy.
ACCOUNTANCY n. the profession or practice of accounting.
ACQUAINTANCESacquaintances n. Plural of acquaintance.
ACQUAINTANCE n. the state of being acquainted.
CONSENTANEITYconsentaneity n. Consentaneousness.
CONSENTANEITY n. the quality of being consentaneous, agreeable.
CONSENTANEOUSconsentaneous adj. Done or made by general consent; widely agreed or approved.
consentaneous adj. Agreeable; suited.
CONSENTANEOUS adj. accordant or agreeable; consistent.
CYCLOPENTANEScyclopentanes n. Plural of cyclopentane.
CYCLOPENTANE n. a colourless insoluble cycloalkane found in petroleum and used mainly as a solvent.
DISENTANGLINGdisentangling v. Present participle of disentangle.
disentangling n. A disentanglement.
DISENTANGLE v. to free from entanglement.
ENTANGLEMENTSentanglements n. Plural of entanglement.
ENTANGLEMENT n. the action of entangling.
INSTANTANEITYinstantaneity n. The condition of being instantaneous.
INSTANTANEITY n. the state of being instantaneous.
INSTANTANEOUSinstantaneous adj. Occurring, arising, or functioning without any delay; happening within an imperceptibly brief period of time.
INSTANTANEOUS adj. done, occurring, or acting without any perceptible duration of time.
INTANGIBILITYintangibility n. The quality or state of being intangible; intangibleness.
INTANGIBILITY n. the state of being intangible.
REPRESENTANTSrepresentants n. Plural of representant.
REPRESENTANT n. a representative.
SPONTANEITIESspontaneities n. Plural of spontaneity.
SPONTANEITY n. the state of being spontaneous.
SPONTANEOUSLYspontaneously adv. In a spontaneous manner; naturally; voluntarily.
SPONTANEOUS adv. acting by its own impulse or natural law.
TRANSMONTANESTRANSMONTANE n. (Italian) a cold north wind in Italy, also TRAMONTANA, TRAMONTANE.
ULTRAMONTANESultramontanes n. Plural of ultramontane.
ULTRAMONTANE n. one who supports the supremacy of the Pope.
UNREPENTANTLYunrepentantly adv. In an unrepentant way.
UNREPENTANT adv. not repentant.
VERUMONTANUMSVERUMONTANUM n. a ridge on the male urethra where the duct conveying prostatic fluid, sperm and other fluids enters it.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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