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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 8 thirteen-letter words containing NICO

CAVERNICOLOUScavernicolous adj. (Rare) that inhabits caverns or caves.
CAVERNICOLOUS adj. cave-dwelling.
GRAMINICOLOUSgraminicolous adj. That lives on grass.
GRAMINICOLOUS adj. esp. of parasitic fungi, living on grass.
MINICOMPUTERSminicomputers n. Plural of minicomputer.
MINICOMPUTER n. a small computer that is intermediate between a microcomputer and a mainframe.
NICOTINAMIDESnicotinamides n. Plural of nicotinamide.
NICOTINAMIDE n. a member of the vitamin B complex, deficiency of which can lead to the development of the disease pellagra.
OMNICOMPETENTomnicompetent adj. Competent in every area; (specifically) having formal jurisdiction in all matters.
OMNICOMPETENT adj. legally competent in all matters.
PANHARMONICONpanharmonicon n. A mechanical musical instrument that could imitate various instruments and generate sound effects.
PANHARMONICON n. a mechanical musical instrument mimicking an orchestra.
PANTECHNICONSpantechnicons n. Plural of pantechnicon.
PANTECHNICON n. a usually enclosed wagon or motortruck used for transportation of goods or animals.
SPHAGNICOLOUSsphagnicolous adj. (Botany) Growing in moss of the genus Sphagnum.
SPHAGNICOLOUS adj. living in peat moss.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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