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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing NTES

AGUARDIENTESaguardientes n. Plural of aguardiente.
AGUARDIENTE n. (Spanish) a kind of Spanish or Portuguese brandy.
BANDEIRANTESbandeirantes n. Plural of bandeirante.
BANDEIRANTE n. (Portuguese) a pioneer, explorer or adventurer, esp. one who took part in expeditions in search of gold and slaves in seventeenth century Brazil.
CELEBUTANTEScelebutantes n. Plural of celebutante.
CELEBUTANTE n. a young woman from a wealthy background who becomes a celebrity.
CENTESIMALLYcentesimally adv. According to a division into 100 parts.
CENTESIMAL adv. counting or counted by hundreds or hundredths.
COMMORIENTESCOMMORIENTES n. persons who die together on the same occasion, where it cannot be determined which died first, and death is assumed to have taken place in order of seniority by age.
CONCERTANTESconcertantes n. Plural of concertante.
CONCERTANTE n. a composition alternating tutti passages and passages for a group of soloists.
CONTESTATIONcontestation n. The act of contesting; emulation.
contestation n. Proof by witness; attestation; testimony.
CONTESTATION n. controversy, debate.
CONTESTINGLYcontestingly adv. In a contesting or contending manner.
CONTESTING adv. CONTEST, to compete for.
FLAMBOYANTESFLAMBOYANTE n. a tropical tree with flame-coloured flowers, also FLAMBOYANT.
GOUVERNANTESgouvernantes n. Plural of gouvernante.
GOUVERNANTE n. (archaic) a governess, also GOVERNANTE.
INTESTINALLYintestinally adv. Via the intestines.
INTESTINAL adv. affecting, occurring, or living in the intestine.
INTRIGUANTESINTRIGUANTE n. (French) a female intriguer, also INTRIGANTE.
PARACENTESESparacenteses n. Plural of paracentesis.
PARACENTESIS n. the tapping of body fluid.
PARACENTESISparacentesis n. (Surgery) A medical procedure involving needle drainage of fluid from a body cavity, most commonly the abdomen.
PARACENTESIS n. the tapping of body fluid.
POCOCURANTESpococurantes n. Plural of pococurante.
POCOCURANTE n. one who is indifferent.
PRESIDENTESSpresidentess n. (Archaic) A female president.
PRESIDENTESS n. a female president.
QUINTESSENCEquintessence n. A thing that is the most perfect example of its type; the most perfect embodiment of something; epitome, prototype.
quintessence n. A pure substance.
quintessence n. The essence of a thing in its purest and most concentrated form.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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