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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing NTOR

COINVENTORScoinventors n. Plural of coinventor.
COINVENTOR n. a joint inventor.
CONTORNIATEcontorniate n. A bronze medal or medallion with a deep furrow on the contour or edge, supposed to have been struck…
contorniate adj. Having a furrow of this kind.
CONTORNIATE n. a coin or medal with a deep groove round the disc.
CONTORTEDLYcontortedly adv. In a contorted manner.
CONTORTIONScontortions n. Plural of contortion.
CONTORTION n. the state of being contorted.
COVENANTORScovenantors n. Plural of covenantor.
COVENANTOR n. the party who makes a covenant, also COVENANTER.
IMPLEMENTORimplementor n. Alternative spelling of implementer.
IMPLEMENTOR n. one who implements, also IMPLEMENTER.
INTERVENTORinterventor n. One who intervenes; a mediator, especially one designated by a church to reconcile parties and unite…
interventor n. (US) A mine inspector.
INTERVENTOR n. a mediator in ecclesiastical controversies.
INVENTORIALinventorial adj. Of or pertaining to an inventory.
INVENTORIAL adj. relating to inventory.
INVENTORIEDinventoried v. Simple past tense and past participle of inventory.
INVENTORY v. to make an inventory, a list of goods.
INVENTORIESinventories n. Plural of inventory.
inventories v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of inventory.
INVENTORY v. to make an inventory, a list of goods.
MENTORSHIPSmentorships n. Plural of mentorship.
MENTORSHIP n. the office of mentor.
REPRESENTORrepresentor n. (Obsolete) representative.
REPRESENTOR n. a person who makes a representation in the course of contractual negotiations.
UNRELENTORSunrelentors n. Plural of unrelentor.
UNRELENTOR n. (Keats) someone who does not relent.
UNTORMENTEDuntormented adj. Not tormented.
UNTORMENTED adj. not tormented.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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