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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing NTHI

ABSINTHISMSABSINTHISM n. a disease resembling alcoholism.
AMARANTHINEamaranthine n. A dark reddish-purple colour.
amaranthine n. The amaranth flower.
amaranthine adj. Of a dark reddish purple colour.
APOCYNTHIONapocynthion n. (Astronomy) The point in an orbit around the Moon that is most distant from that body.
APOCYNTHION n. the point at which a spacecraft in lunar orbit is furthest from the moon.
ASTAXANTHINastaxanthin n. (Organic chemistry) A xanthophyll pigment that occurs widely in plants and animals, especially crustaceans.
CANTHITISESCANTHITIS n. inflammation of the canthus.
CHLOANTHITEchloanthite n. (Mineralogy) A skutterudite relatively rich in nickel.
CHLOANTHITE n. a nickel-rich variety of skutterudite, aka white nickel.
ENCANTHISESENCANTHIS n. (Greek) a small tumour of the inner corner of the eye.
FUCOXANTHINfucoxanthin n. (Organic chemistry) A carotenoid pigment found in the chloroplasts of brown algae.
FUCOXANTHIN n. a brown carotenoid pigment occurring esp. in the chloroplasts of brown algae.
HAPAXANTHIChapaxanthic adj. Being or relating to a hapaxanth.
HAPAXANTHIC adj. monocarpous, also HAPAXANTHOUS.
HELMINTHICShelminthics n. Plural of helminthic.
HELMINTHIC n. a drug for expelling worms.
HOLOBENTHICholobenthic adj. (Biology) That inhabits the seafloor during all phases of life.
HOLOBENTHIC adj. passing the entire life in the deep ocean.
HYACINTHINEhyacinthine adj. Of the colour of a hyacinth (either the gem or the flower); reddish-gold (chiefly with reference to hair).
hyacinthine adj. Curling like the petals of the hyacinth.
hyacinthine adj. Beautiful, like the mythological Hyacinthus.
LABYRINTHIClabyrinthic adj. Labyrinthine.
NONTHINKINGnonthinking adj. (Of an action) Done without forethought.
nonthinking adj. (Of a person) Tending not to think.
nonthinking n. Not thinking; the absence of thought.
PERICYNTHIAPERICYNTHION n. the point at which a spacecraft in lunar orbit is nearest to the moon.
UNTHICKENEDunthickened adj. Not thickened.
unthickened v. Simple past tense and past participle of unthicken.
UNTHICKENED adj. not thickened.
UNTHINKABLEunthinkable adj. Incapable of being believed; incredible.
unthinkable adj. Inconceivable or unimaginable; extremely improbable in a way that goes against common sense.
UNTHINKABLE adj. that cannot be thought.
UNTHINKABLYunthinkably adv. In an unthinkable manner.
UNTHINKABLE adv. that cannot be thought.
ZEAXANTHINSzeaxanthins n. Plural of zeaxanthin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 99 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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