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There are 6 eleven-letter words containing NSID

CONSIDERATEconsiderate adj. Consciously thoughtful and observant (often of other people and their rights, needs, feelings and comfort).
considerate adj. Characterised by careful and conscious thought.
considerate v. (Rare) Synonym of consider.
CONSIDERERSconsiderers n. Plural of considerer.
CONSIDERER n. one who considers.
CONSIDERINGconsidering v. Present participle of consider.
considering n. Consideration.
considering adv. (Informal) Given the circumstances.
INSIDIOUSLYinsidiously adv. In an insidious manner.
INSIDIOUS adv. developing or advancing gradually and imperceptibly.
RECONSIDERSreconsiders n. Plural of reconsider.
RECONSIDER v. to consider again esp. with a view to changing or reversing.
SLICKENSIDEslickenside n. (Geology) A smooth, striated rock surface caused by the friction of one mass sliding over another.
SLICKENSIDE n. a polished and smoothly striated rock surface that results from friction along a fault plane.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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