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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing NORM

ABNORMALISMabnormalism n. Synonym of abnormality.
ABNORMALISM n. the state of being abnormal.
ABNORMALITYabnormality n. The state or quality of being abnormal; variation; irregularity.
abnormality n. Something abnormal; an aberration; an abnormal occurrence or feature.
ABNORMALITY n. the state of being abnormal, also ABNORMITY.
ABNORMITIESabnormities n. Plural of abnormity.
ABNORMITY n. a deviation from the norm (rule); an irregularity.
LOGNORMALLYlognormally adv. In a lognormal fashion.
LOGNORMAL adv. relating to or being a normal distribution that is the distribution of the logarithm of a random variable.
NORMALISERSnormalisers n. Plural of normaliser.
NORMALISER n. one who normalises, also NORMALIZER.
NORMALISINGnormalising v. Present participle of normalise.
NORMALISE v. to make normal; to bring within or cause to conform to normal standards or limits, also NORMALIZE.
NORMALITIESnormalities n. Plural of normality.
NORMALITY n. the state of being normal.
NORMALIZERSnormalizers n. Plural of normalizer.
NORMALIZER n. one that normalizes, also NORMALISER.
NORMALIZINGnormalizing v. Present participle of normalize.
normalizing adj. That normalizes.
NORMALIZE v. to make normal; to bring within or cause to conform to normal standards or limits, also NORMALISE.
NORMATIVELYnormatively adv. In a normative manner or context.
NORMATIVE adv. of or relating to a norm; establishing a standard.
ORTHONORMALorthonormal adj. (Mathematics) Of a set of vectors, both orthogonal and normalized.
orthonormal adj. (Mathematics) Of a linear transformation that preserves both angles and lengths.
ORTHONORMAL adj. orthogonal with the integral of the square of each function over a specified interval equal to one.
PARANORMALSparanormals n. Plural of paranormal.
PARANORMAL n. something not scientifically explainable.
RENORMALISErenormalise v. Alternative spelling of renormalize.
RENORMALISE v. to subject to or calculate using renormalisation, also RENORMALIZE.
RENORMALIZErenormalize v. (Physics) To subject to renormalization.
renormalize v. To make the norm again.
RENORMALIZE v. to subject to or calculate using renormalization, also RENORMALISE.
SUBNORMALLYsubnormally adv. In a subnormal manner.
SUBNORMAL adv. below normal.
SUPERNORMALsupernormal adj. Beyond what is normal; exceeding the average or the point of reference.
supernormal adj. Paranormal, supernatural.
supernormal adj. (Default logic, of a default) Both categorical and normal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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