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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing NCIL

ANCILLARIESancillaries n. Plural of ancillary.
ANCILLARY n. something that functions as an accessory.
CONCILIABLEconciliable adj. Capable of being conciliated or reconciled.
conciliable n. A small or private assembly, especially of an ecclesiastical nature.
CONCILIABLE adj. (obsolete) that can be conciliated.
CONCILIARLYconciliarly adv. By a council, especially an ecclesiastical council.
CONCILIAR adv. of or pertaining to (esp. ecclesiastical) councils, also CONCILIARY.
CONCILIATEDconciliated v. Simple past tense and past participle of conciliate.
CONCILIATE v. to gain (as goodwill) by pleasing acts.
CONCILIATESconciliates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of conciliate.
CONCILIATE v. to gain (as goodwill) by pleasing acts.
CONCILIATORconciliator n. A person who conciliates.
CONCILIATOR n. one who conciliates.
COUNCILLORScouncillors n. Plural of councillor.
COUNCILLOR n. a member of a council, also COUNCILOR.
PENCILLINGSpencillings n. Plural of pencilling.
PENCILLING n. the art or act of painting, writing, sketching, or marking with a pencil, also PENCILING.
RECONCILERSreconcilers n. Plural of reconciler.
RECONCILER n. one who reconciles.
RECONCILINGreconciling v. Present participle of reconcile.
RECONCILE v. to restore or bring back to friendship or union.
STENCILINGSstencilings n. Plural of stenciling.
STENCILING n. the act of marking or painting (a surface) with an inscription or design by means of a stencil, also STENCILLING.
STENCILLERSstencillers n. Plural of stenciller.
STENCILLER n. one who paints or colors in figures by means of stencil, also STENCILER.
STENCILLINGstencilling v. Present participle of stencil.
stencilling n. Alternative form of stenciling.
STENCILLING n. marking by means of a stencil, also STENCILING.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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