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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing NTAR

ALIMENTARYalimentary adj. Of, or relating to food, nutrition or digestion.
alimentary adj. Nourishing; nutritious.
ALIMENTARY adj. pertaining to food; nourishing.
ALMACANTARalmacantar n. Alternative form of almucantar.
ALMACANTAR n. (Arabic) a circle of altitude, parallel to the horizon, also ALMUCANTAR.
ALMUCANTARalmucantar n. (Astronomy, archaic or historical) A small circle on the celestial sphere, parallel to the horizon…
almucantar n. (Astronomy, archaic or historical) An instrument for observing the heavenly bodies as they cross such a circle.
ALMUCANTAR n. (Arabic) a circle of altitude, parallel to the horizon, also ALMACANTAR.
COMMENTARYcommentary n. A series of comments or annotations; especially, a book of explanations or expositions on the whole…
commentary n. (Usually in the plural) A brief account of transactions or events written hastily, as if for a memorandum.
commentary n. An oral relation of an event, especially broadcast by television or radio, as it occurs.
ELEMENTARYelementary adj. Relating to the basic, essential or fundamental part of something.
elementary adj. Relating to an elementary school.
elementary adj. (Physics) Relating to a subatomic particle.
NONTARIFFSSorry, definition not available.
PIGMENTARYpigmentary adj. Of or pertaining to pigment.
pigmentary adj. Of a colour, produced by pigments.
PIGMENTARY adj. of or pertaining to pigments.
PREDENTARYpredentary n. An extension to the dentary in the jawbone of some dinosaurs.
PREDENTARY adj. designating a bone situated in front of the dentary bone in some non-mammalian vertebrates (esp. ornithischian dinosaurs).
SEGMENTARYsegmentary adj. Composed of segments.
SEGMENTARY adj. in segments.
TANTARARAStantararas n. Plural of tantarara.
TANTARARA n. a trumpet fanfare; a hunting cry, also TANTARA.
TARANTARAStarantaras n. Plural of tarantara.
TARANTARA v. to make the sound of a trumpet or horn.
UNGUENTARYunguentary adj. (Archaic) Like an unguent.
UNGUENTARY adj. of or relating to unguents.
UNGUENTARY n. one who makes or sells unguents.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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