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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing NTAI

AVENTAILESaventailes n. Plural of aventaile.
AVENTAILE n. (historical) the movable front to a helmet, also AVENTAIL, VENTAIL, VENTAILE, VENTAYLE.
CONTAINERScontainers n. Plural of container.
CONTAINER n. something that contains.
CONTAININGcontaining v. Present participle of contain.
containing n. (In the plural) contents.
CONTAIN v. to hold within.
COTTONTAILcottontail n. A rabbit of any of various species in genus Sylvilagus.
cottontail n. (Nudism) A person with a tanned body and untanned buttocks, resembling a cottontail rabbit’s dark fur…
COTTONTAIL n. any of several species of rabbits of the genus Sylvilagus, the ordinary rabbit of the US.
DISENTAILSdisentails v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disentail.
DISENTAIL v. to free from entailment.
ENTAILMENTentailment n. The act of entailing, the state of being entailed, or something that is entailed.
ENTAILMENT n. the act of entailing or of giving, as an estate, and directing the mode of descent.
FOUNTAINEDfountained v. Simple past tense and past participle of fountain.
FOUNTAIN v. to display water like small waterfalls.
MAINTAINEDmaintained adj. Showing maintenance or attention.
maintained v. Simple past tense and past participle of maintain.
MAINTAIN v. to keep in proper condition.
MAINTAINERmaintainer n. Someone who keeps or upholds something; a steward.
maintainer n. A person who does maintenance work.
maintainer n. (Dentistry) A device used to keep teeth in a given position.
MOUNTAINEDmountained adj. Set about with mountains.
MOUNTAINED adj. having mountains.
THORNTAILSthorntails n. Plural of thorntail.
THORNTAIL n. a tropical American hummingbird with bright green plumage.
UNENTAILEDunentailed adj. Without an entail.
UNENTAILED adj. not entailed.
UNTAILOREDuntailored adj. Not tailored.
UNTAILORED adj. not tailored.
UNTAINTINGuntainting adj. Not causing a taint or blemish.
UNTAINTING adj. not causing taint.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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