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There are 20 ten-letter words containing NSER

CONDENSERScondensers n. Plural of condenser.
CONDENSER n. an apparatus for reducing vapours to a liquid form.
CONDENSERYcondensery n. (US) A place in which condensed milk is manufactured.
CONDENSERY n. a condensed milk-factory.
CONSERVANTconservant adj. Having the power or quality of conservation; conserving.
CONSERVANT adj. having the power of conservation.
CONSERVERSconservers n. Plural of conserver.
CONSERVER n. one who conserves.
CONSERVINGconserving v. Present participle of conserve.
conserving adj. Accompanied by conservation. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
CONSERVE v. to keep, preserve.
DISPENSERSdispensers n. Plural of dispenser.
DISPENSER n. one who dispenses.
ENSERFMENTenserfment n. The act or process of enserfing; enslavement.
ENSERFMENT n. the state of being made a serf.
FRANSERIASfranserias n. Plural of franseria.
FRANSERIA n. any of a genus of West American plants of the composite family.
INSERTABLEinsertable adj. Able to be inserted; able to be put into something else.
insertable n. Something that can be inserted.
INSERTABLE adj. capable of being inserted.
INSERTIONSinsertions n. Plural of insertion.
INSERTION n. the act of inserting.
MANSERVANTmanservant n. A male servant.
MANSERVANT n. a male servant.
MERGANSERSmergansers n. Plural of merganser.
MERGANSER n. an aquatic bird of a genus allied to the ducks.
NONSERIALSnonserials n. Plural of nonserial.
NONSERIAL n. something that is not a serial.
NONSERIOUSnonserious adj. Not serious.
NONSERIOUS adj. not serious.
PENSEROSOSPENSEROSO n. a pensive, brooding, or thoughtful person.
PREINSERTSpreinserts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of preinsert.
PREINSERT v. to insert beforehand.
REINSERTEDreinserted v. Simple past tense and past participle of reinsert.
REINSERT v. to insert again.
RESPONSERSresponsers n. Plural of responser.
RESPONSER n. one who responds, also RESPONDER, RESPONSOR.
SUSPENSERSsuspensers n. Plural of suspenser.
SUSPENSER n. something, e.g. a film or book, that is filled with suspense.
UNSERVICEDunserviced adj. Not serviced.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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