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There are 13 ten-letter words containing NSEN

CONSENSIONconsension n. (Archaic) agreement; accord.
CONSENSION n. agreement; accord.
CONSENSUALconsensual adj. With permission, with consensus, without coercion; allowed without objecting or resisting.
consensual adj. (Law) existing, or made, by the mutual consent of two or more parties.
consensual adj. (Biology) excited or caused by sensation, sympathy, or reflex action, and not by conscious volition.
CONSENTERSconsenters n. Plural of consenter.
CONSENTER n. one who consents.
CONSENTINGconsenting v. Present participle of consent.
consenting adj. Giving consent; agreeing to something.
CONSENT v. to give approval.
DISCONSENTdisconsent n. (Archaic) Disagreement.
disconsent v. (Archaic, intransitive) To differ; to disagree.
DISCONSENT v. (obsolete) to differ or dissent.
INSENSIBLEinsensible adj. Unable to be perceived by the senses.
insensible adj. Incapable or deprived of physical sensation.
insensible adj. Unable to be understood; unintelligible.
INSENSIBLYinsensibly adv. In a insensible manner; without feeling or noticing something.
INSENSIBLE adv. imperceptible.
INSENSUOUSinsensuous adj. Not sensuous; not pertaining to, affecting, or addressing the senses.
INSENSUOUS adj. not sensuous.
INSENTIENTinsentient adj. Having no consciousness or animation; not sentient.
insentient adj. Insensitive, indifferent.
INSENTIENT adj. not sentient.
SHINKANSENshinkansen n. (Rail transport) A Japanese high-speed passenger train; bullet train.
TRANSENNAStransennas n. Plural of transenna.
TRANSENNA n. (Latin) a screen enclosing a shrine.
UNSENSIBLEunsensible adj. Not sensible; silly, foolish.
unsensible adj. That cannot be sensed; imperceptible.
unsensible adj. Out of one’s senses; unconscious.
UNSENSIBLYunsensibly adv. In an insensible manner; insensibly.
UNSENSIBLE adv. insensible.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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