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There are 18 ten-letter words containing NOTA

ANNOTATINGannotating v. Present participle of annotate.
ANNOTATE v. to append notes.
ANNOTATIONannotation n. A critical or explanatory commentary or analysis.
annotation n. A comment added to a text.
annotation n. The process of writing such comment or commentary.
ANNOTATIVEannotative adj. Relating to annotation.
ANNOTATIVE adj. characterized by annotations; of the nature of annotation.
ANNOTATORSannotators n. Plural of annotator.
ANNOTATOR n. one who annotates.
CENOTAPHICcenotaphic adj. Pertaining to or of the nature of a cenotaph.
CENOTAPHIC adj. like a cenotaph.
CONNOTATEDconnotated v. Simple past tense and past participle of connotate.
CONNOTATE v. to connote; to suggest or designate (something) as additional.
CONNOTATESconnotates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of connotate.
CONNOTATE v. to connote; to suggest or designate (something) as additional.
DENOTATINGdenotating v. Present participle of denotate.
DENOTATE v. (obsolete) to denote.
DENOTATIONdenotation n. The act of denoting, or something (such as a symbol) that denotes.
denotation n. (Logic, linguistics, semiotics) The primary, surface, literal, or explicit meaning of a signifier such…
denotation n. (Philosophy, logic) The intension and extension of a word.
DENOTATIVEdenotative adj. That denotes or names; designative.
denotative adj. Specific to the primary meaning of a term.
DENOTATIVE adj. having power to denote.
MONOTASKEDmonotasked v. Simple past tense and past participle of monotask.
MONOTASK v. to perform one task at a time.
NOTABILITYnotability n. (Uncountable) The quality or state of being notable or eminent.
notability n. (Countable) A notable or eminent person or thing.
notability n. Locally eminent people; the bourgeoisie or upper middle class.
NOTAPHILICnotaphilic adj. Relating to notaphily.
NOTAPHILIC adj. relating to notaphily, the collecting of banknotes and cheques.
NOTARIALLYnotarially adv. In a notarial manner; by a notary.
NOTARIAL adv. of or pertaining to a notary.
NOTARISINGnotarising v. Present participle of notarise.
NOTARISE v. to attest to as a notary, also NOTARIZE.
NOTARIZINGnotarizing v. Present participle of notarize.
NOTARIZE v. to attest to as a notary, also NOTARISE.
NOTARYSHIPnotaryship n. The state of being a notary.
NOTARYSHIP n. the office of notary.
NOTATIONALnotational adj. Of or pertaining to notation.
NOTATIONAL adj. relating to notation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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