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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing NONI

CANNONIERScannoniers n. Plural of cannonier.
CANNONIER n. a soldier who managed and fired a cannon, also CANNONEER.
CANONICALScanonicals n. Plural of canonical.
canonicals n. The dress prescribed by canon to be worn by a clergyman when officiating.
CANONICALS n. the official dress of the clergy.
CANONICATEcanonicate n. The office of a canon; a canonry.
CANONICATE n. the rank or office of a canon.
CANONICITYcanonicity n. The degree to which something is canonical.
CANONICITY n. the state of being canonical.
CANONISERSCANONISER n. one who canonises, also CANONIZER.
CANONISINGcanonising v. Present participle of canonise.
CANONISE v. to declare to be a saint, also CANONIZE.
CANONISTICcanonistic adj. Of or pertaining to a canonist.
CANONISTIC adj. of or pertaining to a canonist.
CANONIZERSCANONIZER n. one who canonises, also CANONISER.
CANONIZINGcanonizing v. Present participle of canonize.
CANONIZE v. to declare to be a saint, also CANONISE.
NONIDEALLYnonideally adv. In a nonideal manner; not ideally.
NONILLIONSnonillions n. Plural of nonillion.
NONILLION n. the 10th power of a thousand.
NONIMPACTSNONIMPACT n. a lack of impact.
NONINITIALnoninitial adj. Not initial.
NONINITIAL adj. not initial.
NONINSECTSnoninsects n. Plural of noninsect.
NONINSECT n. a creature that is not an insect.
NONINSUREDnoninsured adj. Not insured.
NONINSURED adj. not insured.
UNCANONISEuncanonise v. Alternative form of uncanonize.
UNCANONISE v. to deprive of canonical authority, also UNCANONIZE.
UNCANONIZEuncanonize v. (Transitive) To deprive of canonical authority.
uncanonize v. (Transitive) To reduce from the rank of a canonized saint.
UNCANONIZE v. to deprive of canonical authority, also UNCANONISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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