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There are 20 ten-letter words containing NONA

ANONACEOUSanonaceous adj. Alternative form of annonaceous.
ANONACEOUS adj. pertaining to the order of plants including the soursop, custard apple, etc.
CANNONADEDcannonaded v. Simple past tense and past participle of cannonade.
CANNONADE v. to attack with heavy artillery.
CANNONADEScannonades n. Plural of cannonade.
CANNONADE v. to attack with heavy artillery.
NONACCRUALnonaccrual adj. (Finance) Not of or relating to accrual.
NONACCRUAL adj. not causing accrual.
NONACTINGSNONACTING n. acting that is of poor quality or does not conform to conventional ideas of what constitutes acting.
NONACTIONSnonactions n. Plural of nonaction.
NONACTION n. not action.
NONADDICTSnonaddicts n. Plural of nonaddict.
NONADDICT n. one who is not an addict.
NONADMIRERnonadmirer n. One who is not an admirer.
NONADMIRER n. one who does not admire something or someone.
NONAEROSOLnonaerosol n. That which is not an aerosol.
NONALIGNEDnonaligned adj. Not allied with any particular nation, or to any side in a dispute.
nonaligned adj. Neutral, impartial.
non-aligned adj. Alternative spelling of nonaligned.
NONALLELICnonallelic adj. Not functioning as alleles.
NONALLELIC adj. not allelic.
NONANSWERSnonanswers n. Plural of nonanswer.
non-answers n. Plural of non-answer.
NONANSWER v. to answer in an unsatisfactory way.
NONAQUATICnonaquatic adj. Not aquatic.
NONAQUATIC adj. not living in the water.
NONAQUEOUSnonaqueous adj. Not aqueous.
NONAQUEOUS adj. not watery.
NONARRIVALnonarrival n. Failure to arrive.
non-arrival n. Alternative form of nonarrival.
NONARRIVAL n. a failure to arrival.
NONARTISTSnonartists n. Plural of nonartist.
NONARTIST n. one who is not an artist.
NONASCETICnonascetic adj. Not ascetic.
nonascetic n. One who is not an ascetic.
NONASCETIC n. one who is not ascetic.
NONASPIRINnonaspirin adj. That is not aspirin.
NONASPIRIN adj. not containing aspirin.
NONATHLETEnonathlete n. Someone who is not an athlete.
NONATHLETE n. one who is not an athlete.
NONAUTHORSnonauthors n. Plural of nonauthor.
NONAUTHOR n. one who is not an author.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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