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There are 9 ten-letter words containing NOCU

BINOCULARSbinoculars n. A hand-held device consisting of a series of lenses and prisms, used to magnify objects so that they…
BINOCULAR n. a binocular telescope.
INOCULABLEinoculable adj. Capable of being inoculated.
inoculable adj. Capable of transmitting disease, or of being transmitted, by inoculation.
INOCULABLE adj. capable of being inoculated.
INOCULANTSinoculants n. Plural of inoculant.
INOCULANT n. any material used in inoculation, also INOCULUM.
INOCULATEDinoculated v. Simple past tense and past participle of inoculate.
INOCULATE v. to introduce (e.g. bacteria, a virus) into an organism.
INOCULATESinoculates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of inoculate.
INOCULATE v. to introduce (e.g. bacteria, a virus) into an organism.
INOCULATORinoculator n. One who inoculates.
inoculator n. A device used for inoculating.
INOCULATOR n. one who inoculates.
MONOCULARSmonoculars n. Plural of monocular.
MONOCULAR n. a field glass or microscope for use with one eye.
MONOCULOUSmonoculous adj. (Archaic) one-eyed, monocular.
MONOCULOUS adj. monocular.
TRINOCULARtrinocular adj. Using three points of vision, such as a microscope with two standard eyepieces and one camera eyepiece…
TRINOCULAR adj. relating to a binocular microscope equipped with a lens for photographic recording.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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