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There are 10 ten-letter words containing NICU

CORNICULUMcorniculum n. (Anatomy) A small horn-like part or process.
CORNICULUM n. (Latin) a small hornlike part or process.
DORONICUMSdoronicums n. Plural of doronicum.
DORONICUM n. a flower, leopard's-bane.
FUNICULARSfuniculars n. Plural of funicular.
FUNICULAR n. a cable railway ascending a mountain.
FUNICULATEfuniculate adj. Forming a narrow ridge.
FUNICULATE adj. forming a narrow ridge.
GENICULATEgeniculate adj. (Anatomy, botany) Bent abruptly, with the structure of a knee.
geniculate adj. Having kneelike joints; able to bend at an abrupt angle.
geniculate adj. (Anatomy) Relating to a geniculate nucleus.
MANICURINGmanicuring v. Present participle of manicure.
MANICURE v. to have the hands and nails treated professionally.
MANICURISTmanicurist n. A person who performs manicures.
MANICURIST n. a person who gives manicures.
OPINICUSESOPINICUS n. a composite heraldic beast, part lion, part dragon, with features of other animals.
PANICULATEpaniculate adj. Having a branched cluster of flowers.
PANICULATE adj. having or arranged in panicles, also PANICULATED.
PANNICULUSpanniculus n. (Anatomy) A dense layer of fatty tissue growth, consisting of subcutaneous fat in the lower abdominal area.
panniculus n. A thin, sheet-like investment.
PANNICULUS n. a thin, sheetlike garment, also PANNICLE, PANNIKEL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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