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There are 16 ten-letter words containing NFIN

CONFINABLEconfinable adj. Able to be confined.
CONFINABLE adj. capable of being confined, also CONFINEABLE.
CONFINEDLYCONFINED adv. CONFINE, to shut within an enclosure.
GREENFINCHgreenfinch n. Any of five distinct species of bird formerly within the genus Carduelis, now making up genus Chloris (Cuvier)…
GREENFINCH n. a common European finch having olive-green and yellow plumage.
INFINITANTinfinitant adj. (Obsolete, rare) Serving to negate.
INFINITANT adj. denoting merely negative attribution.
INFINITARYinfinitary adj. (Mathematics, logic) Of or pertaining to expressions of infinite length.
INFINITARY adj. relating to infinity.
INFINITATEinfinitate v. (Transitive) To make infinite.
INFINITATE v. to make infinite.
INFINITELYinfinitely adv. In an infinite manner; as of anything growing without bounds; endlessly.
infinitely adv. To a surpassingly large extent.
INFINITE adv. without limit.
INFINITIESinfinities n. Plural of infinity.
INFINITY n. the state of having no limits.
INFINITIVEinfinitive n. (Grammar) The infinitive mood or mode (a grammatical mood).
infinitive n. (Grammar) A non-finite verb form considered neutral with respect to inflection; depending on language…
infinitive n. (Grammar) A verbal noun formed from the infinitive of a verb.
INFINITUDEinfinitude n. The state or quality of being infinite or having no limit.
INFINITUDE n. the state of being infinite.
RECONFINEDreconfined v. Simple past tense and past participle of reconfine.
RECONFINE v. to confine again.
RECONFINESreconfines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reconfine.
RECONFINE v. to confine again.
UNCONFINEDunconfined adj. Not confined; free from physical restraint.
UNCONFINE v. to free from confinement.
UNCONFINESunconfines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unconfine.
UNCONFINE v. to free from confinement.
UNFINDABLEunfindable adj. Not findable; that cannot be found.
UNFINDABLE adj. that cannot be found.
UNFINISHEDunfinished adj. Not finished, not completed.
UNFINISHED adj. not finished.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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