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There are 16 ten-letter words containing NEGA

ABNEGATINGabnegating v. Present participle of abnegate.
ABNEGATE v. to renounce or repudiate.
ABNEGATIONabnegation n. A denial; a renunciation; denial of desire or self-interest.
ABNEGATION n. an act of abnegating.
ABNEGATORSabnegators n. Plural of abnegator.
ABNEGATOR n. one who abnegates, renounce.
DENEGATIONdenegation n. (Obsolete) A denial.
DENEGATION n. denial.
NEGATIONALnegational adj. Of, pertaining to or involving negation; negatory, negative.
NEGATIONAL adj. relating to negation.
NEGATIVELYnegatively adv. In a negative manner; so as to be damaging or not positive.
negatively adv. (Responding to a question, proposal, vote, etc.) In the negative; with the answer “no.”.
NEGATIVE adv. not positive.
NEGATIVINGnegativing v. Present participle of negative.
NEGATIVE v. to disprove, make ineffective.
NEGATIVISMnegativism n. A persistent pessimistic or skeptical attitude.
negativism n. A stubborn tendency to do the opposite of what one is asked.
NEGATIVISM n. a tendency to deny and criticise, without offering positive suggestions.
NEGATIVISTnegativist n. One who exhibits negativism.
NEGATIVIST n. one who practises negativism, a tendency to deny and criticise, without offering positive suggestions.
NEGATIVITYnegativity n. The characteristic of being pessimistic or contrarian.
negativity n. Negative sentiment.
negativity n. (Physics) The characteristic of having a negative charge.
RENEGADINGrenegading v. Present participle of renegade.
RENEGADE v. to turn renegade.
RENEGADOESrenegadoes n. Plural of renegado.
RENEGADO n. (archaic) a renegade.
RENEGATIONrenegation n. (Obsolete) a denial.
RENEGATION n. a denial.
VINEGARIERVINEGARY adj. tasting of vinegar.
VINEGARINGvinegaring v. Present participle of vinegar.
VINEGAR v. to treat with a sour liquid used as a condiment or preservative.
VINEGARISHvinegarish adj. Tasting somewhat like vinegar.
vinegarish adj. (Figuratively) acerbic, bitter.
VINEGARISH adj. like vinegar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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