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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing NDON

ABANDONEESabandonees n. Plural of abandonee.
ABANDONEE n. one to whom anything is legally abandoned.
ABANDONERSabandoners n. Plural of abandoner.
ABANDONER n. one who abandons.
ABANDONINGabandoning v. Present participle and gerund of abandon.
abandoning n. An act in which something or someone is abandoned; abandonment, neglect.
ABANDON v. to leave or give up completely.
BANDONEONSbandoneons n. Plural of bandoneon.
BANDONEON n. a kind of button accordion popular in South America, also BANDOLEON, BANDONION.
BANDONIONSbandonions n. Plural of bandonion.
BANDONION n. a kind of button accordion popular in South America, also BANDOLEON, BANDONEON.
CLARENDONSClarendons prop.n. Plural of Clarendon.
CLARENDON n. a form of condensed roman type having a heavy face.
CONDONABLEcondonable adj. That can be condoned.
CONDONABLE adj. that can be condoned.
ENDONEURIAENDONEURIUM n. the delicate connective tissue surrounding nerve fibres within a bundle.
PUNDONORESPUNDONOR n. (Spanish) a point of honor.
SPHENDONESsphendones n. Plural of sphendone.
SPHENDONE n. (Greek) a headband or fillet worn by women in ancient Greece.
TENDONITIStendonitis n. Alternative form of tendinitis.
TENDONITIS n. inflammation of a tendon, also TENDINITIS.
TENDONOSESSorry, definition not available.
TENDONOSISSorry, definition not available.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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