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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing NDAB

ASCENDABLEascendable adj. Capable of being ascended.
ASCENDABLE adj. capable of being ascended, also ASCENDIBLE.
DEFENDABLEdefendable adj. Capable of being defended.
DEFENDABLE adj. capable of being defended; defensible.
DEMANDABLEdemandable adj. Capable of being demanded.
DEMANDABLE adj. that may be demanded or claimed.
DEPENDABLEdependable adj. Able, or easily able to be depended on.
dependable n. A reliable person or thing.
DEPENDABLE adj. that can be depended on.
DEPENDABLYdependably adv. In a dependable manner.
DEPENDABLE adv. that can be depended on.
EXPANDABLEexpandable adj. Having the capacity to be expanded.
expandable n. Anything that can be expanded.
EXPANDABLE adj. that can be expanded.
EXPENDABLEexpendable adj. Able to be expended; not inexhaustible.
expendable adj. Designed for a single use; not reusable.
expendable adj. Not essential or mandatory in order to achieve a goal.
EXPENDABLYEXPENDABLE adv. able to be expended.
EXTENDABLEextendable adj. Capable of being extended.
REFUNDABLErefundable adj. Able to be refunded in case of customer dissatisfaction, loss, breakage etc.
refundable n. Something that is eligible to be refunded.
REFUNDABLE adj. that can be refunded.
ROUNDABOUTroundabout adj. Indirect, circuitous, or circumlocutionary.
roundabout adj. Encircling; enveloping; comprehensive.
roundabout n. (Chiefly UK, New Zealand, Ireland, Canada, Australia and sometimes US) A road junction at which traffic…
UNBENDABLEunbendable adj. Not bendable.
UNBENDABLE adj. not capable of bending.
UNFINDABLEunfindable adj. Not findable; that cannot be found.
UNFINDABLE adj. that cannot be found.
UNWINDABLEunwindable adj. Not windable.
unwindable adj. Able to be unwound.
UNWINDABLE adj. that can be unwound.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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